This will be my final blog post for this project. Something I’ve neglected to mention is that this has been a school project, hence why the future of the game is somewhat in the air for now. However I’m glad I got to learn a bunch of new things especially when it comes to working with 2D in Unity.

How did it go?
All in all, we got ourselves a cute little prototype done in 8 weeks. Its strengths lie in the style with the silhouettes and lack of detail. Working within that framework has been quite challenging but I feel that you grow the most when you’re forced to find new ways to solve problems.
Animation, physics, sound are all things I’ve got to dive deep into throughout this project aswell as writing these blogs which can be quite daunting when you’re not used to talking about your work.
What I would like to change
I would’ve wanted to spend more time on the physics system. Either working fully with rigidbodies or create our own system from start to finish. It was a bit challenging to fit it in to the limited time frame we had for this project so we should probably have gone for the rigidbodies.
Even though a lot of people approved of the animations, I’d like to sit and work with anima2D a bit more to fix some of the issues (like the apes snapping their necks when jumping, ouch!) as well as learn more about what you can do with it. My previous experience has only been with 3D animation in 3dsMax which took a lot of time but was quite rewarding. As a general rule, animation takes forever to get right but its worth it in the end.

The future, for Great Ape
I would like to add more features to work with for the player. more buttons, I want to see a bigger difference in what each type of ape can do. Big apes could throw the smaller ones over gaps.
I want to add a real reward system for collecting coins. I showed you the hats a few posts ago and Its stuff like that I’d like to have as a reward. Things that don’t impact the gameplay but a little “thank you” for putting in the extra effort!
The future, for me
If you’ve played or seen Slug Cats! or Ori & The Blind Forest, you’d know how amazing their character animations are. This is something Im going to delve into as my next personal project. I want to learn all the ins and outs in designing fluid physics-based animations. I have some theories but it definitely requires more research before I can progress. I’m quite a fan of Slime Rancher too so Im thinking I might make a little 2d slime sprite and have that as my character.
Lastly I’d like to thank everyone who has followed our progress throughout this project. Its been a fantastic experience to go through. Once the project is over we’re going to upload the full prototype here for everyone to try out. Do you have what it takes to become a Great Ape?
Cheers o/