Discovery Island Novel Series: Harmony And Horror

2 months ago

"The Exploration of the Utility Tunnel's" Chapter 2

As a teenage scientist/biologist I've never truly believed in the supernatural, well at least since I've gotten older now.

But, it is interesting to simply test or even analyze the many oddities that has been happening throughout the mid 1980s, and their were specific locations and abandoned places that Disney has forgotten and left to rot...

It's been speculated that these mascot Animatronics have been acting stranger then usual, and it wasn't normal bug's or glitches like that... No, instead the Animatronics have been seen roaming around on their own, without any former programming or protocols given to them, which on it's own is pretty strange...

While I don't necessarily believe in the supernatural as I've once stated, but even without that belief, the mere fact that Animatronics are walking on their own is something that should be investigated or analyzed at the very least...

But, it could be possible that the Animatronics have been programmed by someone stretchy or malicious, but of course that's just my opinion, after all we won't truly know without finding anything out by ourselves...

It took 1 to 2 hours to drive to Discovery Island, and what I noticed is that the place looks bigger than usual, understandable, after all I have been away from this place for a very long, long, long time... So I'm happy to be here now, just to see how much this place has changed...

INTERLOG1: Ok, this is my first inter log of exploring this place, and for what I can say right now is that the interior design structure is pretty stable, the walls and floor's are sturdy enough... Strange, I thought pretty said this place would be abandoned by now, guess it was all a hoax... As you can clearly see, the Animatronics aren't moving, strange, why do the Animatronics look so different though, there seems to be a black-and-white female rabbit, pink-and-white bat, and a black-and-white Mickey Mouse mascot, pretty weird, I guess Disney just decided to add some new characters to the roster...

INTERLOG2: Yes, uh, I'm back, and you see, the most interesting thing about this place are the utility tunnel's, I've heard of them of course, but I never expected them to be so huge the last time I've been here... Though, I must admit, it surely stinks down here, guess that's the only thing they didn't lie about, huh... The utility tunnel's are huge, it's almost like a maze in a way, I almost got lost walking throughout the many rooms and corridors I've seen for right now... I thing, I might've seen office too, and it seems like someone has been in there too, it seemed like there might've been a struggle too, almost like someone was fighting for their life just to make sure those thing wouldn't get in, I just hope that who ever was in there made it out alive, for both our sakes...

INTERLOG3: I'm trying to make my way out of the tunnel's, of course I did get a little lost, so for right now I would speculate that it would take about 5 to 7 minutes to actually get out of this place, after all I have been down here for few hours, so it's dark by now... But, I had a feeling that it would take a few extra minutes for me to actually get out... Because I think, I incounted something, something that I never would've imagined... Because, when I came to the exit door, it was, locked for some reason, at first I thought someone could've locked it, or maybe I locked it... It wouldn't make much sense for anyone to be here, besides me of course, after all, it is night time, so the staff should know be now that I'm in here, after all, I'm pretty sure they saw coming into the tunnel's, in fact, I'm pretty sure I told them about my expedition... So, who locked the door??...

INTERLOG4: No matter, after all, I can just find another way out, but for right now I'm going to have to try and unlock the door somehow, there should be a crowbar somewhere, that way I can just break the nob, I'm sure they mind... Making my way through the tunnel's, I tried to look for clues, some tool's, and maybe some weapons to break down the door, since it wasn't working, I decided to find another exit, and I did find something, but not what I expected, a true miracle, the nob was moving, someone must be trying to unlock the door, there was a struggle though, but as long as someone's trying to let me out, then you're not hearing any problems from me... They, finally managed to open the door... But that was the thing, they weren't a person, instead it was a giant black inky mass filled with eye's, it's head was a withered Mickey Mouse head, they must've been the one to lock the exit door, in order to trap me inside the utility tunnel's, but how was it able to do that, how was it even able to open the door without any former help at all, it doesn't look that smart anyway... It was holding a entire plaint of dark brownwood, it slammed the heavy object straight on the floor with only a single hand, and eventually the wood broke, making it long and sharp, surely enough to pierce or stab through my own skin, but of course I wouldn't ever let that happen...

INTERLOG5: After hiding from the beast, it trying to track me down with it's incredible sense of smell similar to apex predators like bear's, polar bear's, and blood hounds, I had a feeling that it knew where I was, I know it's not that dumb, but it must be... Playing with me, like a apex predator with the mind of the gifted, the mind of a great mind, and the mind of a problem solving, I must commend it... But eventually it did find me, of course I ran away, and they sprinted straight toward me, running like a full-grown adult Grizzly Bear chasing a herd of horse's, with the speed of a race car faster then most car's, truck's, and other vehicles, it's speed was supernatural, but I was smart and fast enough to at least try and dodge them, but through me aside and I nearly got knocked out, it completely crashed into the entire wall, shattering the wall into multiple piece's, the ceiling and tunnel's were shaking erratically, almost falling apart from the impact of the kinetic energy... I tried to find a way to knock it out, and I guess a large 10,000-20,000 pounds of the heavy box of crates was just enough to do the job... Or at least that's how it felt, but it wasn't knocked out, eventually it managed to dead lift the entire box with just one single hand... I stood my ground, standing tall, despite the fact that it was physically stronger then I could ever be, it slowly walked up to me, the very threat of death was near... But, where I saw anger and irritation, there was also curiosity and a spiritual connection, a child-like innocence, in fact I'm pretty sure it was a child considering the way it was acting towards me... It might of hated me at first, but it saw that I had the will, the youth, and the very will to survive and fight for my own life... As a biologist, I knew the way they were feeling, the pain it felt, it wasn't human, at least not in the conditional sense, but I knew how to calm them down without them being agitated or upset... I was slow, gentle, and patient with them, I sat down steadily, and gave them some food, they were hesitant at first, but eventually they managed to warm up to me, and scratched their head, and they waged it's tail, and it sat down on the ground like a puppy, a horrific-terrifying giant puppy that is 5-feet tall, nearly taller than a Sloth Bear, but with the bravery of a American Badger...

INTERLOG6: I could tell from their animal/human-like anatomy that their skin isn't just a inky mass, no, instead I could tell that from their structural output design, that they might have a reinforced endoskeleton similar to spider's or crabs, and it's not like it's a normal endoskeleton either, instead it blurs the line between machinery and organisms, it was radiating with cold and hot steam, it also a giant beating heart in order for take in the immense speed that he has to endure, but why would an Animatronic need these requirements, unless, their not an Animatronic anymore, maybe the reason why they're so adaptable is to withstand their very own durability, physical strength, attack potency, speed, and agility, possibly for travel, subsonic, and hypersonic speed, in fact, I would believe that all of these other Animatronics would have these requirements, reinforcements, adaptability, stability, and mobility... Considering their interior and exterior design, I have a feeling these Animatronics aren't just biological, but also potentially supernatural too, I don't wanna say it, I regret it, but it would seem that I was wrong, and the supernatural truly does exist... And it would seem like these Animatronics are possible by human's or animal's, either way is possible, it could be possible that most of they are possessed by human's and animal's(most likely kids)...

INTERLOG7: This is my final inter log for being here, well, at least for now, I might come back one day, sooner then we think, I made my way out, the creature(the Amalgamation/Juggernaut) saw me leave, and it was clear to me that they were curious, sad, and confused, they must of expected for me to stay here longer, I would if I could, but I can't, I can't take them home with me, if anyone actually saw these them, then the people wouldn't allow it, I doubt they would be able to even kill them, no, but I'm afraid that they could possibly be a danger to other people around them and themselves, they could get along with them, but I know just how truly hateful people can be, rather innocent or not, they'll hate them, the mere fact that these creatures could even be alive would be something that everyone would fear, I know because I was afraid of them too... So this is for the best, we'll meet again somehow, one day...



Next up

Kosoku No Soku - Issue#1

"Matelda the Killer" Chapter 4

"The Hour Of Revelation" Chapter 3

"Birth Of The United Protection Agency(UPA)" Chapter 1

I found something that might actually be useful to the United Protection Agency(UPA), the Foundation is gonna wanna hear, it could be very, so very useful to all of us indeed...

So very useful to us indeed...

What type of kid would even write this...

December 24, 1989...

This is an Animation of Abigail the Bat...

Just a little Animation for Theo/Disruption...

Just a new jumpscare for Hazel... It feels nice to do something a little more original, right...

New Nightmare Mode is finally out...