Discovery Island Novel Series: Harmony And Horror

2 months ago

"The Hour Of Revelation" Chapter 3

Hello, and my name is James, I'm 6 feet, I have a good job experience, and I have recently had a job at the United Protection Agency(UPA).

Work here has been fine for the most part, or at least that's what I would say if the Foundation wasn't so psychopathic, they treat their employees, staff, and guard's as if they simply don't exist in the physical world, no one talk's to us, no one treats us with respect, and to be honest, the way the Foundation treats the patients here isn't much better either, if anything I would say the Foundation treats the patients like total prisoner's, despite the fact that the patients here are children.

I'm pretty sure that the Foundation has a history of failed experiments, test's, and the abuse of children, innocent children in fact, of which probably thought that these experiments would probably just give them super powers, but instead it led to them getting mutations, injuries, pain, a bad hair day, and growing pain's. Who know's, most of the children here have probably already died from these very harmful and unauthorized experiences and substances that children really shouldn't have at all.

Our containment was working properly, and we managed to get 30 million dollar's just from the building alone.

From what I can recall is that the Animatronics are possessed by children, of which are all teen's, both younger and older, so that means that I have to do my very best to provide and care for them as if they were my own.

But, I had a feeling that despite our guard's, staff, employees, and high containment wouldn't keep these Mechaferials at bay, in fact I felt like it would only be a matter of time until they get tired of playing our game's, and finally decide to get out considering their high cognitive intelligence, abilities, and skills, able to solve complex puzzles, mazes, computer's, and game's without issue, their intelligence is a combination of chimpanzees, elephant's, hyenas, crow's, raven's, and other highly intelligent animal's.

The facility always tried to keep the Animatronics contained in small cages or solid prison cell's where they wouldn't be able to communicate or talk to anyone, the facility tried to manipulate them, shock them with electricity, experiment on them, physically abuse them, just so they would realize who's truly in control here, but the Animatronics were too smart for these trained adult's, they were always trying to break out or even communicate with each other, they have strong willpower, I wish I was strong just like they were, but I'm doing what I can, trying to provide for the one's I care about, just like they are, their not good, their not evil, but they're just how they should be, strong, independent, intelligent, and determined just like I used to be when I was younger, when I was ignorant and small, but despite the fact that they're all intelligent, the Animatronics can only see the world in black-and-white, good and evil, they don't think about the complexities and struggles of the human life, despite the fact that they're all teenagers, and the reason why is because they lost their identity, the thing's that made them human's, thing's that made them people, thing's that made them children, and thing's that gave them a stronger sense of empathy and sympathy, of course they still do have at least some humanity and understanding, but most of that is blocked out by their extreme rage, anger, animosity, sadness, selfish instincts, and a lack of a understanding for morality. But, I do still believe that they all have the chance to appreciate their existence and care, the very thing's that can help them gain back their kindness and prosperity for simply the existence of life for human being's.

They have the uncanny ability to quickly learn, understand, and solve complex problems given to them.

But no matter how much I told them, they never listened to me, they thought that their containment was too good for these Animatronics, nothing changed, they didn't stop, they didn't reinforce containment, and they never considered the moral dilemmas of trapping these innocent children who were clearly suffering in these physical Animatronic bodies... I warned them, but they just didn't listen to me at all.

I wanted to do something good, but I couldn't because I had to provide for my family, and I knew that if I didn't that I would terminated from my job here, but I made sure to feed them, give them food and water whenever they needed it, they were hesitant at first, but eventually they warmed up to me and that I cared about them as if I was their father, they saw that I wasn't a threat to them, that I didn't see them as monsters, I knew who they were, and I knew what they had lost.

The fact that their was so many Animatronics made it harder to calm them down and care for them, it was clear to me that they were communicating with each other, that they were planning something, but I didn't know what, I just hope that they're getting along with one another.

There was so much hate in them, a deep personal feeling that wanted to let out, but they knew that they had to wait, that desire for hate, rage, animosity, and revenge was clear to me, I felt bad that simply couldn't do anything more for them, but they were mature enough to understand why I couldn't help them, because they knew that they would all do the same.

But, I did notice that there was a social hierarchy between them, the weaker individuals would have to eat the leftovers, while the one's with great strength and independence had their fare share of food to gain. You could say their social hierarchy is similar to many other social animal's.

Some of the Mechaferals were happy to spread harmony all around just to give each other high hope while in containment, but while they weren't inherently evil, they do usually show form's of malice and control amongst one another.

But, Evelyn was different, she didn't speak, she didn't react, she didn't respond, and she was more introverted than the other's, the Animatronics never said a said a word to her unless they needed to, they always respected her without issue. The only time she ever spoke to me was simply one time, and that one time was all I needed to hear, she said how it was ignorant of them to not question the legality and immorally of simply keeping children as if they were prisoners, sure they might've lost their innocence, sure they might look like monster's, but that's no excuse to keep them here as if we were the one's to decide our fate, they never asked for this, they never asked to be killed, they never asked to be turned into monster's, and Evelyn knew that it was ignorant for the Foundation to abuse broken children, of which the Foundation does have a track record in running test's that children didn't expect, that they didn't ask for, they never asked to be hurt, but they just played along with, as if these harmful experiments weren't hurting them, because they knew that if they said a word, then they would likely be hurt again, and they didn't want to face that same pain again.

Ripper's personality was that of a primal sadist, she usually had fun out other's misfortune, comedic tragedy, and morbidity, but at the same time she still had a heart, she enjoyed socializing with the other's and pranking them, no matter how extreme, over the top, and sadistic she was, I could tell she liked my company.

Mortimer was a weird case, he was more of a lone wolf to say the very least, he kept to himself, didn't make a mess, didn't cry, didn't shout, and didn't cause any harm for the other's, but at the same time, Mortimer was too distant, hesitant, and quiet, he didn't feel the need to talk to anyone, he required to a lot of coaxing in order to get out of his head and thoughts, it's almost as if he was detached to from world entirely, he wasn't a idiot, in fact he always seemed to notice a lot of thing's, blood pressure, heat, temperature, emotions, feelings, and at least some social clues, he always succeeded the test's and complex puzzles, but it's like he didn't care, like he was out of it, he showed a lot of apathy, pain, and depression, as if what he went through was more painful and personal to him then the other's, almost as if he was looking for someone, a friend, a partnership, or maybe something more, like a familial bond or relative that always kept him thinking, that's all he really did was think, but of course Mortimer does have hobbies however, he liked to write poem's or stories about dread, trauma, macabre, and the supernatural, that's what makes me think that it could be possible that he's integrating these stories, poem's, and works of fiction that are heavily inspired by what he went through, that pain, despair, suffering, and apathy was the only thing that he could think about, it became his life, and eventually his art as well, but it's normal for a kid, let along a teenager to consistently think about these oppressive, emotional, and self-destructive topics, I try to teach him that this is harmful, but all he can really does is just be alone, this type of stuff isn't healthy for any human being, even the Animatronics can't cheer him up, not Hazel, not Abigail, not the phantom Animatronics, and not even Evelyn who is their leader can't possibly get him out of his own mind, and I mean, Hazel and Abigail are the most cheerful, joyful, adaptable, and bubbly individuals you could ever find, they cheer up everyone, even the angriest souls, but Mortimer just couldn't find a single glee of enjoyment by their presence, instead he just ignored them, I just hope he finds a way to actually be happy, but at the same, if he does truly find solace in these thing's, and if it's not too destructive to him and the one's around him, then I guess he can still focus on these hobbies.

And I agree with her, it's sad that those in power will consistently treat innocence with disrespect, as if they aren't people, as if they aren't living being's with emotions, feelings, and identity, how those in power will use the innocent for their own personal gain, and in the process, the innocent lose their innocence and identity.

But, eventually Steve found out that I was feeding the Animatronics, he hated that I was even thinking to simply do something like this, feeding these "monster's" was simply just taboo and immoral to him, but they simply gave one strike and expected me to never do something like this again, and I got from this is that for some reason, I really hate Steve, that guy is just simply way too annoying for me, but that's just my opinion, after all, everyone loves him because he simply follows the rule's unlike me.

I don't really care about what they say, after all it's not my first time I've disrespected the law just to save the people I care about, and it won't be my last, besides what will the UPA Foundation do to me that I can't do to them, they might have the numbers, but I have the strength, the speed, and the power, there's nothing the Foundation can do to me that I haven't already done to them.

Besides, it's not the Foundation I worrying about, instead I'm more concerned about the Animatronics that constantly have to deal with the Facilities crap, but pretty soon the Foundation will have to deal with very severe consequences once I tell the police all the thing's that the Foundation has done to these Animatronics.

It was near to be night time, so I decided to try and go to bed.

But, no matter how much I tried to go to sleep, I felt a deep sense of dread and personal fear, I heard screams, weeping, shouts, and anger, I eventually managed to sleep, but only for a few minutes, I saw my bedroom with all the necessary details and requirements, this didn't make much sense because I wasn't even at home, but I played along with it, and eventually the dream became distorted and warped, I saw Donald, but he normal, instead he was withered, disturbed, ghostly, morbid, and angry, as if he was a phantom, I could feel his animosity, his willpower, and his desire to kill like a wolf in sleeps clothing, he ran in a fit of rage, and eventually, very quickly, I managed to wake up out of my surrealist nightmare of a dream.

Sure enough, when I woke up heard heavy commotion going on outside my room, broken table's, missing furniture, heavy gunfire, and miles of blood scattered all around the facility as if so many were injured, hurt, or even killed in a messy gory fashion that I couldn't ignore, and I just had to run.

The heavy gunfire was getting louder, so that's how I knew I was close, surely enough their were people fighting for their own lives against the Animatronics, people eaten, people screaming, heart racing, lives dropped left and right, all so fast, and so clear to see. One of the trained guards tried to use a wooden steak to stab Hazel through the heart, but her Animatronic shell and endoskeleton was simply too durable for him, and sure enough, his entire skull was completely curb stomped by Hazel without any mercy whatsoever. Their were people being carried away by Abigail who was moving at the speed of thunder, and dropped them straight on the ground with fractured skull's and bone's in a messy, bloody, and cruel fashion, both Abigail and Hazel were incredibly fast, too fast for me to percieve, and their kinetic energy was that of a sonic boom, no pun intended, a boom that defied the very law's of physics, almost as if they were simply these rule's and rejected them with no mercy.

Their was Ripper, standing there menacingly with murderous intent, and just with one hit, the man's head was decapitated in one clean swipe. Another man tried to run away while shooting at Ripper, but of course he was caught by the Amalgamation himself, the man was screaming in pain while he was getting eaten alive, and considering the fact that Amalgamation was a messy eater, the man's death wasn't pleasant at all.

Theo/Malware was infecting every organism and computer they saw, trying to corrupt and hack their high security systems in order for the doors to lock for anyone who was trying to get out, and for the Animatronics who were trying to stay in so they could enjoy their high kill count. While there was helicopters crashing in with a million men and women that all dropped dead to the Animatronics amusement, because to them, it was all a game.

Mortimer warped the entire reality around him, turning the planet into a dark shade of red, black, and white, inducing immense fear and depression around everyone he saw, anyone he hated, he bought pain and suffering all around, no one could stop him, no one could defeat him, no one could even touch him with a mere inch of his dark and shadowy presence, so torment and fear were both sealed.

But, Evelyn was something else, it wasn't just brutality, instead it was dominance, dread, and pure hate, her determination core was at a all time high, and her rage level's were at 100, 000, 000, 000%, with that amount of power in her Animus core's, she was truly unstoppable, the wildlife, building, human's, and at least most of the living were simply reduced to mere atom just by Evelyn single glare of animosity, it didn't even take much effort for all the 90% of human's that were in the Facility to die, dead, buried, and reduced to pathetic, tiny, and lifeless tissue, but where there was death, Evelyn also found the potential to manipulate the surrounding life and organic matter, shading it into whatever she wanted, so anyone's death wasn't quick and painless, it was also warped, disturbed, and manipulated to her will, truly a terrifying way to die.

Hazel and Abigail were both the most adaptable out of the Animatronics, they might not seem powerful at first, but the thing that made them unique were their intelligence, speed, agility, reflexes, combat, skill, and acrobatics, all of which made for a impossibly higher kill count, brutality, blood, gore, probability, and population.

The Phantasmorphs had their fun in terrorizing anyone they hated with a burning sense of rage and hatred, giving their target's extreme raging nightmares, hallucinations, and illusions, they didn't feel the need to kill them because that wouldn't have been any fun, no instead it's far more entertaining breaking their minds and waiting until they die or if they simply couldn't take all the pain anymore, the Phantasmorphs wanted to ensure that victim's were suffering without mercy or hesitation.

It felt wrong to simply stand here watching everybody die, but for some strange reason, I felt a sense of joy watching these selfish and greedy people get exactly what they deserve, after all they were the one's who said that these Animatronics would never get out because their security system's were just so "tight" to say the least. It's almost like this was a way of judgement or justice for the Animatronics.

But, because of all the commotion, there was a huge fire, and because of this the sprinkler system was activated, and a giant burst of water was spraying the Animatronics, I expected the Animatronics to short curtic after coming into contact with water, but instead the Animatronics caused a chemical reaction, which caused all the Animatronics to multiply and spout out from the Animatronics limbs, the process was painful, after all they were organic/mechanical hybrids, but eventually their huge numbers made it impossible to even merely escape from them, considering the fact that their were dangerous murderous Animatronics left and right trying to kill everyone they deeply hated with a burning passion. And their offspring were just as disgusting and vicious as the other Animatronics, they were immature and rotten, they had absolutely mercy.

But of course, in all this chaos, their just had to be one person who was still alive long enough to be angry at me because I never tried to stop them from killing everyone, he held a gun to my head, Steve was very mad, very angry, and with deep murderous intent.

Steve: Of course it had to be you, it just had to be you!

Me: Yeah, and what are you going to do about it, after all, you need me, you can't do anything to me!!

Steve: Oh yeah, and what makes you think I would ever need you, you're the one who got absolutely all of us in this mess!!!!

Me: Because I'm the only one who know's what they want, and unlike you, they don't actually hate.

Me: Oh, right, you might wanna run, like- right now...

Steve: Oh, really, and what are you gonna do, you gonna kill me?

Me: No, but, they will...

Steve: Who's they.

Steve's skull was crushed by Chirstofs massive cane, I suspected that Steve was either dead or just mildly unconcious to say the very least, all I knew is that Steve wouldn't be a threat to us anymore, especially not to me, Christof was something else, but his near absence of empathy made him a formidable force to be messed with, a full born killer.

But, Evelyn's curiosity was something that I couldn't ignore, she knew that we would probably meet again someday, when this whole war is over, and when they finally find their killer, but she knew that it wouldn't be now, and I would keep fighting as well until the very end, and until the UPA Foundation is finally destroyed, either by me or them, we will end this all, for both our sakes.

But, there was something that unlocked in the very minds in Abigail and Hazel, the heat, temperature, and radius were burning, burning, and burning with a sense of animosity and extreme hate, the energy, and electricity was accelerated from 1% to 100% in mere second's, almost as if they were supercharged by both positive and negative energy at the same time, but I knew what had happened, they had unlocked their Animus Cores, and their speed was just as fast, no, instead it merely rejected and succeeded the Speed Of Sound and Light at it's very core, crashing into multiple surfaces, wall's, and large building's, causing those contained, heavy, and tight building's to explode into a thousand, billion, and millions of shattered concrete, simply reduced to atom's and destroyed absent matter, almost as if they destroyed matter itself, which of course isn't possible, after all, matter simply can't be created or destroyed, but some how they were strong enough to break everything we ever knew about physics, math, and science. I can only suspect that their spiritual form's can simply transcend the very law's of time and space without any effort, exceeding the entire universe itself.

The building's were completely destroyed, and I managed to get out of the building uninjured, but there was barely anything left of the building, and everyone else were probably already dead by now, well at least there's no evidence of what happened, but of course, and luckily the Animatronics were durable enough to withstand the damage, especially their offspring, they all left running out into the woods just to make sure that absolutely no one would find, and to be honest, they don't have to be afraid of anyone simply because they're way too strong, it could be because they want to lead their offspring, however that is unlikely because it's more possible that they wanna find more people to kill, it's also possible that they're just afraid of the sunlight, or perhaps to simply find their killer, which they all hate so much, understandably, and it seems like I better run away too, unless someone finds out I didn't help stop the Animatronics from killing so many people, I'm just happy that the Animatronics didn't see me as a threat, I must have been so nice to them, they might see me as their friend or at least one of their own.

Besides, there's someone very important that I have to meet, I think his name was Henry Springfield, I'm pretty sure he's had to face off with these Animatronics too, and if there's anything to know about Henry is that he's a survivor, he has a strong will, just like my daughter.



Next up

Kosoku No Soku - Issue#1

Just a little Animation for Theo/Disruption...

"The Exploration of the Utility Tunnel's" Chapter 2

"Birth Of The United Protection Agency(UPA)" Chapter 1

Just a new jumpscare for Hazel... It feels nice to do something a little more original, right...

December 24, 1989...

New Nightmare Mode is finally out...

I found something that might actually be useful to the United Protection Agency(UPA), the Foundation is gonna wanna hear, it could be very, so very useful to all of us indeed...

So very useful to us indeed...

What type of kid would even write this...

"Matelda the Killer" Chapter 4

This is an Animation of Abigail the Bat...