Slap Wars: Playstation 1 Edition

7 months ago

The Final Devlog...

I just....FINSIHED THE GAME!!!!!!! It will be coming out 7/28/2024 8:00 Am EDT!! Stay tuned, because...It's finally coming out!!!!!!!!!!



Next up

Coming soon...

Devlog 3:

Alright, the portal has now been finished and the "SlapWarsCrashed_303" part is now done! The last few things I need to do are to make the final secret to the bossfight, and the bossfight, then I'll be done! So, stayed tuned!!!


Devlog 6:

It's almost done! The second room will be done today, and the last few things are also gonna be done TODAY!!! It's not gonna be released today doing this!! So...


Devlog 4:

I'm now on the bossfight, and so far, I'm doing pretty good! After this I just need to add a few more things, and this game will be as good as done! (I will make an update after the bossfight is done.)

Devlog one:

Yeah- I'm almost finished and I forgot to do this whole devlog thing sooo- Here's a leak.

Also, The game is turning out pretty good so far. I've already nearing the "creepy ending" thing....So yeah. All I needed to do is add a few secrets.

#spawnday yay lol

(Slap wars ps 1 edition coming never)

Devlog 5:

I'm finally done with the bossfight! I just need to do the two last two endings, and finish the main game (maybe adding like 10 more new gloves and a new room). But after that, the game will finally be done!!

development is back lol

Devlog two:

So umm- I've made some pretty epic progress...But I haven't made all of the gloves and other stuff. I'm working on the ending after unlocking the "Portal" but after all that I'll finish the main game.