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10 days then 9/11/2001


Slap Wars: Playstation 1 Edition

Version: 0.1.07 months ago
Full Version

Game Soundtrack

1 song

8-bit Dijit

Play the demo on over on Scratch.


A game made for no intention of anything.

Someone who took over everything.

A lost game that you found in the attic of your new house with the packaging still on it.

You think it was a cool never-seen before game. You then remember you still have a 23 year old PlayStation one, which was still in very good condition.

You read the back of the CIB, and you see that it has a hand written letter from 2000 that says "To whoever finds this Godforsaken letter, please. Do not play this game. Get rid of it immediately. It is for your own good."

Now this game has your full interest...

Credits: Sony Entertainment, and Slap Battles for First Stance.

#puzzle #action #strategy #survival #horror

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

The Final Devlog...

I just....FINSIHED THE GAME!!!!!!! It will be coming out 7/28/2024 8:00 Am EDT!! Stay tuned, because...It's finally coming out!!!!!!!!!!

Bug fixes btw

Devlog 6:

It's almost done! The second room will be done today, and the last few things are also gonna be done TODAY!!! It's not gonna be released today doing this!! So...


Devlog 5:

I'm finally done with the bossfight! I just need to do the two last two endings, and finish the main game (maybe adding like 10 more new gloves and a new room). But after that, the game will finally be done!!

Devlog 4:

I'm now on the bossfight, and so far, I'm doing pretty good! After this I just need to add a few more things, and this game will be as good as done! (I will make an update after the bossfight is done.)