Sil's Collection of Things
9 months ago

The Finale Is Near.

(All Changes + The Future)

Hey everyone, it's Sil. The final major version of this collection is still being bug-fixed and I'm waiting on the new sprites for Final Fight, so it's going to take a longer time than I anticipated to get this completed.

I want to talk about what the changes will be, plus what is happening with the game after this update is completed - What will happen to it next? Will there be a Sil's Collection of Things 2? Am I happy with the results?

All Changes

  • Firstly, there is one more fight coming. The Final Fight. This is a true testament of the skill and patience you've endured up to now. There are 2 phases, with the second one being broken up into 5 checkpoints. I don't expect anyone to be able to complete this in one run because it's THAT hard. Then again, I never expected people to no-hit anything in this game but here we are today.

    To be able to play this fight, you will have to have beaten every other fight. Every normal encounter plus every bonus game. You will also need 20,000 Silcoins. And because of the requirements needed to unlock Genocide Asriel, you will NOT be able to play this on Debug, Easy, or Practice.

  • Practice Mode is coming, which makes it more efficient to try out strategies on a single attack, or in the case of a survival fight, a part of the attack. You will not get any rewards or Silcoins from using it, so just remember it's for practice use ONLY.

  • The No Music option is gone, with the replacement of audio sliders to control the volume of the music and the sound. This is the first time I've used audio groups, and oh my God, it's so much easier to do this than how I did it before.

  • No Dialogue will be an added feature, which skips controlled dialogue entirely. The only times now that you will see dialogue is either in a cutscene (which you can skip anyway) or during an attack.

  • The game menu will no longer turn gold if you complete every game. It will now only do so if you have unlocked all four stars on your save file.

  • New achievements are added for fun values and a quantity of No Heal/No Hit challenges (for example, 4 of each challenge will give you a bonus amount of Silcoins). These achievements do not count towards your "All Achievements" star as they're either RNG (FUN value) or too much to expect from you.

  • You will get bonus rewards for completing No Heal and No Hit challenges. This includes some full fight No Heal/Item and No Hit challenges, but some of them don't warrant a reward because I don't expect anyone to get them. Here's a table I made going over that:

  • Some star ratings and dialogue have changed due to attack changes or reconsideration.

  • Undyne The True Undying has an ACT option that allows you to just play with one shield. The pink shield that uses WASD controls will be controlled automatically.

  • It should not be possible anymore to get challenge run text on a fight without having done said challenge in the first place. This has been a problem in the past and I don't want that to continue.

  • Getting Scooby Doo'ed to turn off Debug Mode mid-fight is no longer possible, Scooby Doo will have to have touched you once before he turns off Debug.

  • There is now a feature where parrying pink bones is automatic. All you have to do is hold down the key instead of tapping it.

  • Three new cosmetic items will be added to the Cosmetic Exchange Unit, as well as a new power-up shop where you can spend your Silcoins to improve your gameplay experience.

  • Angry Sans has been nerfed slightly and has a new look to his background. Song has also been changed.

The Future of Collection

Long story short, I will not be adding any new encounters. I plan to only update with bug fixes, minor tweaks and nothing else.

I've been working on this project on and off for the past year, and I have to say, it was a wild ride to do so. Originally, I made it borderline BS, almost unbeatable. But overtime as more people played the game, I tried to make it more accessible to all audiences, even adding a way to play the game when family often walks in, or eliminating unfair RNG altogether.

Right now, I do not have any plans for a Sil's Collection of Things 2. This was meant to be a one-time project, and I had no intentions of ever stopping it. But after adding Duztrust, I realised what the project needed - a good send-off. That's where the bonus games came in, and eventually Final Fight.

For Final Fight, I was planning for there to be-... whoops, I shouldn't talk about that yet, SPOILERS!

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for playing the games, even if you didn't like them and deleted this shortly after to never think about it again.

Hopefully my balancing techniques will improve going forward.



Next up


We're back in business.

Also viewable on YouTube:

Here's some of what to expect in the upcoming Family Friendly mode.

Undertale Last Breath: Definitive Edition is now available!

Coming to V1.6

Angry Sans progress

Have another teaser of the hell that will be brought upon you

Practice Mode is working


[DEVLOG] - We've been hard at work.