Im taking this day as a break and im going STRAIGHT BACK TO CODING (yeah i recover fast, ik)
I've learned a lot and should have the movement system done in a short while if everything goes right... But i don't expect that to happen
The game has gotten a lot more popular.. and i mean it, the game went from a few friends to an actual actual group of complete strangers, and i really appreciate your support, all of you.
@GFSK be working hard on the music (love ya man)
He's currently working on: main menu + ??? (has a song idea buT HAS NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH IT)
@IgKnighters has redone the sprite for bravery along with some animation, I'll implement it soon!
We've been talking about bravery's name, and i think we've decided on a few options, but i think i want to leave it up to YOU to choose
So after i actually fully implement them in, ill ask you guys what to name him, for now leave some recommendations if you'd like