Yume Petto
5 years ago

The first public build, preDemo1, is out!!

Woohoo, at least one public build came at the end of 2019!

I wanted to have a small, little thing to be out for y'all, instead of making everyone wait without having anything.

Interesting, but..what's this demo exactly?

So this build called preDemo1, is a small demo before the big one comes out in 2020 (Demo1)
In this demo you can only go to Paul's room, the Gift Plane and Even Care.

Yeah yeah I know, there's sadly no original content (apart from Paul's room and one effect), but don't worry!
You'll be able to explore around 7 worlds in the next public build, Demo1 (if everything goes right).

There's a little bit more info in the readme file of the demo, so be sure to read it!

Anyways, I apologies for it to not be something big, but I hope you can still enjoy it.

Happy Christmas everyone! (:

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Next up


This is one of the four moving background images for Even Care, aand I also updated the Even Care preview screenshot at the game page.

A new world is being worked on! Easy to guess what it is : )

I think he's lost

The first NPC to be created! Say hello to this Dorifuto

Good news, there is now 4 people working for the game! Also, if you aren't on the Discord server, you probably don't know that I released the first two build ever made of the game! (they are very outdated, heh) So don't be shy to come on the server. :p

art comission.

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
