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The Reveal Of A NEW CHARACTER; SINNER SCRATCHY. He Is One Of The Characters I Teased. Here Is His Full Body. Use With Permission. This Is The Post Of His Teaser:…
The game over screen in the game, it uses the teased remodel of a specific character, that said character being Stuffed Scratchy. This is a remaster of the screen in the game, the old one had the old Stuffed Scratchy. Thank you for looking at this post.
cold-ass take but peace tea hits fucking different, just try one of these and you'll fucking ascend to a higher plane of reality bro, #PEACETEASWEEP
hey, so, i don't know what that was.. but.. i think i'm safe, so try to decode this image, it'll show more for the big announcement i'm gonna post soon! anyways, see ya!!
that one scratcher telling me why he reported my project (it has nothing wrong on it)
chat what do you think of the graphical overhaul that im doing
i also posted a video about it too go watch that as well The OFFICIAL community for the Scratchy's Series! Please join. Note, the image is just a joke.
withered crew
A teaser for an updated design in my game. It is also going to be in a special thing for the game. Thank you for looking at this post.