The Nights At PizzaHouse Android Saga

3 years ago

The Full Version Of The First Game On mObile Has Been Released! (yeah sry i keep deleting the demos they were really buggy lol) Jesus this took me 8 hours to make, Make sure to report bugs, enjoy!



Next up

Just released a Demo Test for mobile!

there are things missing to the build but ill add it in the full version enjoy! (also report bugs btw)

this is why I love nick


its been a few weeks…

Rat Race Production Update

nothin special lol

The Nights At Pizzahouse Saga is now all ported to android devices, please report some bugs if occured. Many thanks! and happy mobile gaming! (+New Hotifxes)..

I got into a 2nd vehicle accident last week, but this time it was my friend driving. She has to pay 100 dollars for the car damage .-. I don’t wanna sound like that person but I hope being a GJ creator can be a help.