Hey everyone, thanks for your ratings, plays, and votes!
I wanted to discuss what I have in mind for Dwarf Space after the jam is over and the winners picked, because I have a few idea tumbling around ;)
First off I want to improve the UI, and also make the game a bit more intuitive, I’ve noticed that it can be confusing at times, I want to add a bit more sound variation as well.
Feature wise I am planning on adding different kinds of Unibees (with different powers/abilities) like maybe sabatuers that temporarily disable turrets, or assasins that head straight for the player and do massive damage, they will be destingushable by different colors, maybe size also. I’d also like to make the platform larger and add a couple more structures, like power relays that control the turrets and can be damaged/repaired.
And with the added threats/goals I’d also like to add dwarf foot soldiers that run back and forth along the platform to aid the player in keeping the nasties away and also to make the whole thing look & feel more epic and intense.
I’m really pleased with how the concept came together, so I want it to mature into something really fun and addictive, because I know it can.
Thanks again for your support!