Nights at Baldi's Basics Learning Edition

3 months ago

The game demo is now available

This thing took months to program, maybe it's because of my personal stuff and my studies and my practice using Clickteam. Apart from that, I'm glad that the game demo has been released since I had it in mind for a long time (bugs are to be expected, don't be surprised if you find one)



Next up

The full game is now available!!! (but first I'll leave you with some tips)

happy love day guys!!!

Well, the gameplay for the night is finished

AI: 100%

Gameplay: 100%

The only thing left to do is to program the autosave, make the sprites to make the minigame and the end of the game, and start beta testing it to see if it is bug-free


the minigame has been coded

Rat Race Production Update

97% and with 3% remaining the game will be finished

(I just need to code the "calls in a note" frame and add more things to camping night)

Oh yeah, the extras were also programmed

''Could someone be at my window?''


(I still need to add more details to the minigame, like putting party decorations and tables)