I have begun designing and implementing enemy prototypes for the forested region. These enemies will roam the forest slowly, and cahse you on sight. They are easy enough to avoid, but can easily surround you. Because you field of vision is so obstructed by the fog, there’s always a lurking sense of terror that one of these things could be just a few steps away… or right behind you.
The way that they kill you is rather unique, as well, but I’m not going to delve into that for this article. Maybe next time.
The Transition
If you’ve played the current game, you’ve probably noticed that the bathroom looks a little bit different than the rest of the house. As of my current in-dev build, there is now another surprise for you once you actually leave the bathroom…
Things have sound effects now. The final soundsa re not in place and it’s not all polished, but it will be by the time I push the newest update out, -and even as is there’s a dramatic improvement in the quality of most game mechanics, such as toggling your lighter on and off or opening and closing doors.
After the game hits 2.5K views (Or I’ve accumulated tons of changes), I’ll post another progress report on what’s going on. I’m excited with the work I’ve already put in, and I’m confident that this game is going to be absolutely incredible by the time I’m done with it all.
The current game design document totals around 5,500 words.
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