Thati s a flowchart demonstrating the behavior patterns of the enemies you will encounter in the forest. While I’m here, I will also go ahead and tell you more about mementos!
See, this game will be comprised of six levels. Each level will represent a memory, which will be stored in a physical memento that you will be able to view any time. Each memento serves a dual-purpose function.:
First, it determines your ending. The more mementos you have,the better your ending will be.
It provides you with “extra lives”, by taking the blow for you. The pro is, you get to keep on playing. The con is, because the game autosaves, your chance at getting the perfect ending is permanently ruined.
Mementos also serve the underground function of giving the player an emotional anchor to his avatar. That is, they give your saved game meaning to you, so that you value the life of your avatar more, and enemies or other hazards are therefore more real threats to you.
The next progress report will be at around 4K views!
The current word count for the game’s development file is: 5,514 words.