One Basic Night with baldi Reincarnated (Unofficial)

18 hours ago

the minigame has been coded



Next up

I'm going to program a hard difficulty for the characters (for now I have 2 characters left to code)

The game is now 100% complete

Well, the gameplay for the night is finished

AI: 100%

Gameplay: 100%

The only thing left to do is to program the autosave, make the sprites to make the minigame and the end of the game, and start beta testing it to see if it is bug-free

Photo negative Mickey :)

The game could have minor changes

''Or is there someone hiding in my closet?''


The autosave is already programmed, I just need to finish a few things and the game will be ready and I will try it and beta test it.

AI is being coded.

I have like 2 characters programmed

No Im Not Ready

I'm creating a new interface for the game