Hey there, fans! Welcome to the new Crucible devlog! I got a couple things done this past week, but let’s just focus on one completely arbitrary feature at a time.
As the title suggests, this is about possibly the most complicated weapon I’ve programmed to date, and it’s not the weapon I’d expect - it’s the Dual Pistols.
Fun fact: This one gun (okay, two guns) has more frames of animation than all of the guns in Ignition combined.
I animated Kodon (the weapon’s owner) in such a way that he can re-use the same pose when firing his dual pistols or a 2-handed cannon. Yes, that works a whole lot better in 2D than it does in 3D. But there are some situations in which it would be ridiculous to use two hands to shoot - like when you’re sliding down a wall, so I had to re-do all of the animations for one gun and add some code to switch between one and two. For realism, your rate of fire (and number of bullets after you charge up a shot) is reduced when you’re only using one.
Pew pew!
Anyway, enough of that. Hey, readers! Do you find this kind of development rant interesting? Or would you rather just hear more about the neat stuff that you’ll experience when playing? Leave a comment if you have an opinion either way. Or for any other reason. I don’t mind.