What is Fazbear's Relighted 2?
Fazbear's Relighted 2 is an upcoming Roblox FNaF Roleplay game that is also a sequel to the successful Fazbear's Relighted RP. It's supposed to be a big improvement from the first game, having an improved environment, better character designs and much more.
When is it going to release?
There is no confirmed date for the game's initial release. We're going strong with the current state of the game's development and are not planning to give up or slow down. We're confident that we'll be able to release the game later this year.
Why is the game on Roblox?
We have been a part of the Roblox Developer community for the longest time, and we're not planning to step forward from that title. We've built a strong playerbase on Roblox, that we can't give up on, and we must continue having our projects continue on the same platforms that they have started on.
Thank you for your attention, see you on the flipside!
#fnaf #horror #rpg #fangame #arcade #altgame #other #analog #rp #roblox #retro #fnaf2 #fnafroblox #robloxfnaf #fnafrp #roleplay