The Return To Freddy's 5 (Unofficial)
1 year ago

The Return To Freddy's 5 - November 15th 2023 Devlog

"The Progress, The Future, And the Next"

Hello everyone! Foxa here with another development log!

=== Introduction ===

This development log will be in three parts. The first part will involve The Return To Freddy's 5 and the progress that has been made in the past two weeks. The second part will involve my future plans on that is going to happen with the game, as well as what might happen with the game's development. (Its insanely positive, you'll want to hear this!) Finally, the third part will involve a new upcoming TRTF related project I am assisting the development of! So, lets go ahead and begin discussing in regards to the game's progress!

=== Part 1 - The Progress ===

So, over the past two weeks, the following progress has been made towards reconstructing the level code:

-Movement and Turning around in the Classic 180 movement setting is now functional. All that is required for movement to be completed on Classic 180 movement, are special animation features such as climbing behind the pipes into the hiding spot within first area of Floor 1, and object animations (such as items). From there, I will need to begin working on the Classic 360 movement setting, Modern 180 Movement setting, and Modern 360 Movement setting.
-The GUI has been implemented. Currently, only basic functionality is implemented, in that the mouse cursor can be used to show or hide the GUI. One of my next goals after movement will be GUI functionality
-Debugging functionality is being worked on, and functions are being made to create and update debug values.
-New models and more optimized models are being made. I've in the past presented Work In Progress renders of the Hybrid models, though I am also working on creating optimized TRTF3 and TRTF4 models, and have plans to eventually create models of TRTF2 models, though have yet to begin creation of these models.

A fair amount of progress (mostly on the Level Systems) has been accomplished, and while I am hoping to make more progress early next year when I am less focused on other projects (including one which will be discussed at a later point) I am still making a fair amount of progress.

But there's plans for even more! How about we get into that.

=== Part 2 - The Future ===

So first of all, I have suggested in the past that I attempt to salvage the old trailer intended for the 7th anniversary event for the 9th anniversary. So, we have good news and bad news. Bad news? Unfortunately, while I did manage to salvage a lot of old files, they are considered unusable. As a result, I am going to have to recreate a lot of older files. The good news? I don't care! Why? Because I am going to begin recreating it! If I cant salvage the trailer, then who cares! I'll just redo it again! There wasn't too much done with the previous trailer, so it wouldn't hurt to recreate the elements which were done. I'm expecting all cinematic to be rendered and finalized by the end of this month, and the gameplay to be recorded by the 15th! Now, will all the final editing be done by the 23rd? No clue! I will do my best to attempt to get it out by then, but don't be surprised if it takes longer. Either way, it'll be released when it is ready.

Alright, trailer video aside, what's gonna happen with the game's development? Well, I actually am wanting to discuss something. There is consideration being made on continuing development on the game! Now, there will NOT be any promises unless I can both confirm the game is in full development, AND I can also confirm the game will release. Likely this would mean that continued development would only be announce once the game reaches 50% completion. (as well as all the base features being complete) Obviously, this would be a long time after the demo releases (yes, that is still happening) but hopefully this won't be too long. Until that happens, the game is considered "cancelled" unless stated otherwise by me or any other developers (if any) are involved with the project. Craaaaazy huh? Again, no promises this will continue development, if there is room, and I feel comfortable continuing the game's development, then I would be more then welcome to continue development on The Return To Freddy's 5!

Now, in regards to the game's demo, I am hoping to release this demo sometime next year. I still plan to try and release the demo with a small section of the Story Mode, the entirety of GPD Mode, and the Prologue of Adventure Mode. I plan to create a build later this year to continue more testing on the game's systems, I just need to have a basic version of all three gamemodes before a build may be compiled and released to the testing group.

I am aiming for a Q3-Q4 release schedule for the public demo, but there are no more then estimations being made at this moment in time. I at least hope to have a more proper estimate sometime mid next year, but we'll see on what happens. Whatever happens, I hope you all wish me the best!

Now, there's one last thing we have to discuss, and that is that new TRTF Project I mentioned. Currently, this project is going to the under the codename "Project Savior", and is currently in very early development and Pre-Production. How about we go into more detail, shall we?

=== Part 3 - The Next ===

Project Savior is unannounced multi-game video game project within the Survival Horror Genre, and is in the early stages of Pre-Production while lead by three developer parties, one of which being Foxxy Games. The project in question is currently in very early development, and currently plans are being analyzed for the project. As of right now, the game is intended to have 6-7 months of Pre-Production for planning, designing, prototyping, and more in order to help the project be planned thoroughly.

There's so much more I could say in regards to this upcoming project, however, I wish to keep quiet on that as of right now in regards to the project. I am very excited to say more eventually, however, that is all I am willing to say currently. I am excited to show more, however, that is for another time. So, how about we quickly wrap things up? Shall we?

=== Conclusion ===

In conclusion, a fair amount of progress has been made as of late, and there's just so much more coming in the future. I'm extremely excited to see what the future holds, even if TRTF5 doesn't end up releasing as a full game, and just remains as a tech demo. I thank you guys so much for sticking by my side as this project has been worked on, these past 3 and a half years have been wild, and I'm excited to release more. I thank you all for sticking with me, and cant wait to see you guys again in the near future. For now, I have other projects to go work on, so that'll be all from me everyone! I wish you guys the best of days and the goodest of luck!

Thanks for reading, and have a good day!

~Foxxy Games/Foxa.



Next up

Today's Teaser + Special thanks for 100 followers!

TRTF5 GPD Mode Teaser - Pretty simple today due to me being sick, but hopefully yall like it

Friend of mine named Jim found a QR code in the recent video with this message: b2Fhd3o6Ly9wdG5ieS5qdnQvaC9QN3NVZmFN

I think its base 64, when decoding with base64 I got oaawz://ptnby.jvt/h/P7sUfaM

Something I'm working on for a friend, I might as well post it here because I haven't posed on my profile in a while.

The Return To Freddy's 5 - One Day

Hopefully having two teasers in one day and now having the Public Discord makes up for missing the Teaser on Wednesday! Sorry again!

Stay tooned, something special is coming your way!

Have a little behind the scenes till then!

Small Update + Change to Teaser Releases (Teaser Included)

Brighten the image for details. I'll see you all tomorrow.