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Shiny Politoed - Screenshot by our player "cloudy"
Ilima & Jumpluff - Screenshot by Mihael
Because our community ask us, Lugia & Ho-Oh are back during sometime. Our new stylized graphics are very popular with players.
The Professor Oak's Lab in the current version of Pokemon MMO 3D Made on the game engine Unity3D, @MegaPixel700 is working on the better 3D model for the Unreal version. Come in game to see it 😉:
Join us for our Halloween event on Discord!
Charizard is ready to fight for the next update of Pokémon MMO 3D ! Our game :
News about the update 2023.10.0
- Picture by iGreves
We are working on a new graphic style !
Join the Pokémon MMO 3D community on Discord and play with your friends in a multiplayer game !
We're celebrating the 9th anniversary of Pokémon MMO 3D ! Join us during the Birthday Event and try to catch Lugia & Ho-Oh !
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