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We are working on a new graphic style !
Breaking News ! Get ready, Trainers ! Viridian City is now LIVE in our Pokémon MMO 3D universe ! Explore this iconic location, catch Goldeen, and embark on thrilling adventures ! Don't miss out !
Ilima & Jumpluff - Screenshot by Mihael
The Professor Oak's Lab in the current version of Pokemon MMO 3D Made on the game engine Unity3D, @MegaPixel700 is working on the better 3D model for the Unreal version. Come in game to see it 😉:
Join us for our Halloween event on Discord!
Charizard is ready to fight for the next update of Pokémon MMO 3D ! Our game :
Shiny Politoed - Screenshot by our player "cloudy"
Because our community ask us, Lugia & Ho-Oh are back during sometime. Our new stylized graphics are very popular with players.
Join the Pokémon MMO 3D community on Discord and play with your friends in a multiplayer game !
We will update the notification system
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