general in Pokémon MMO 3D

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📣 Attention to all Pokémon trainers ! 📣
The Starters' Weeks has officially begun! 🎉
Starting now until June 16th.
During this event, Generation 1 and 2 starters can appear anywhere with a probability of 1/1000!
All encountered starters will be at level 5.

We're celebrating the 9th anniversary of Pokémon MMO 3D !
Join us during the Birthday Event and try to catch Lugia & Ho-Oh !

The mini-game is accessible from the back door of the Pokémon Center in Pallet Town. When you win a round, you earn EVs for all the Pokémon in your team. This game is ideal for boosting your stats and maintaining a specific level, such as "50," for PvP.