FNATI, But Dumb!

1 year ago


[Full changelog in the article]

v1.2.0 aka Silent Mode Update is here! It has been hard work, almost as long as the whole game itself.

Here are all the changes and additions of this new update:


  • Silent Mode (see below for more information).

  • Balance Changes.

  • Saved replays tab updated.

  • Stats for every challenge and global stats added.

  • Game Jolt API added with features like cloud data system and trophies.

  • Achievements added.

  • Many bugs fixed.


A special mode adds new gameplay features to your nightshift!

Survive the Silent Effect, which gives the characters new aggressive behaviours, while managing your battery as Power Mode is included.

Your star value will increase if you beat a challenge with Silent Mode enabled!

The keypoints are:

Silent Effect

  • Every hour, the Silent Effect will kick in and the game will randomly select 3 characters to buff.

  • The selected character will play a voiceline to indicate that their buff has been activated (hear their voicelines with the Silent Mode guide in-game).

  • The Silent Effect lasts 30 seconds, and a character's buff ends when their attack cycle ends (while the Silent Effect also ends).


  • Previously buffed characters cannot be buffed again for the next hour until the cycle is complete.

  • At 5 AM, every character will be buffed for the rest of the hour.

  • The characters can be have their Aggressive Mode with Silent Mode enabled.

Power Mode

  • Your power will decrease more and more each time.

  • Shut off the camera where the green dot is to prevent the power from getting lower

  • If your power goes out, your lights go out without you being able to do anything.

Silent Mode Behaviours

  • PNM: Stand still while the correct cam is shut off to get rid of it.

  • Disembodied: It will attack you from both sides.

  • Impurity: It will change your cam off randomly 2 seconds after you shut off the Impurity Cam.

  • Acephalous: You have stand still on the full left side.

  • Oswald: It can now appear while watching the cameras (indicated by a sound cue).

  • The Face: Turn off the lights while have the cam 9 shut off.

  • Undying: You have stand still on the full right side.

  • Hourglass: It will move to another camera once before it reaches the office. It will also be invisible in the office until it reaches the table.

  • Mascot PNM: It stays in the office all the time, still flicking your mouse to keep it away.

  • Mortimer: When you shut off the correct camera, its progress will reverse until the screen saturation goes back to normal instead of resetting it.

  • Classic PNM: It can appear in any camera (cam 7 included owo).

  • Classic The Face: You have to hold the monitor up for 0.3 seconds to get rid of it (0.3 seconds = 20 frames).

  • Pete: It moves to a random camera every 1.5 seconds.

  • Willie: It will follow you in any camera.

  • Spary: Listen to its barking sound, if it barked on the left, shut off any camera of the left side, and vice versa.

You can test the character's behaviour in the Silent Mode Test from menu.


  • Willie: Now it changes phase faster (you have one second on 20 AI), its phase timer will reset if you avoid eye contact with it. Also its render is transparent, so you can see the background clearly.

    • Aggressive: It will appear in 3 cameras at the same time.

  • Achephalous and Undying: In the aggressive mode, their kill timer will stop when you stand still on their side. In general, their kill timer is faster (1.75 seconds faster).

  • Undying: It has a sound cue when it spawns in the office.

  • The Face: Its sound cue before entering the office is more anticipatory (3 seconds in advance).

  • Mortimer: The frequency of its music will decrease as its attack progress (this to better show its progress).

  • Pete: Its kill timer is slightly slower.

  • Mascot PNM: In normal mode, its kill timer will no longer stop when you see cameras (actually this old behaviour was a bug caused by my stupid code).

  • Disembodied: In aggressive, technically it is slightly faster (it was slower because of my stupid code again).


  • Game Jolt API

    This in-game integration offers achievements for your Game Jolt account and the Cloud Data System, you can save your data to the Game Jolt Cloud and load it onto any device or simply back up your data safely!

  • Achievements

    Added 13 achievements ready to be completed, have fun completing each one!

  • Replays

    You can now filter your replays from a specific challenge of your choice, and a limit has been placed on the number of replays you can save (max 100) to avoid overloading Clickteam Fusion with on-screen objects. A number of replay bugs have also been fixed.

  • Stats

    You can now see the stats from other challenges (unfortunately, no information from challenges other than Suicide Mouse that you played in previous versions will be reflected), and a new stat counter "Total Attempts" has been added. Global Stats has also been added, allowing you to view your stats from any game.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the amount of new features, I had to make a lot of changes to the game data code to make it all work correctly. When you then open the updated game, it will modify your game save data file to be compatible with the new update, thus destroying your data from previous versions. For security reasons, your old game data file will backed up in the same path.




Next up

v1.2.7 Release

The scrolling bar of hall of fame menu is fixed + shoutout to these epic people.

It's Joever

Loop! is available now on Windows!

Play it for free, but if you want, you can buy it for your own price and support me as a developer.

However, you can get the Google Play version and buy the one-time offer to support me and get special items!


v1.3.0 Release:

This is likely to be the last update for the game, if there are no fatal bugs to be found.

Rat Race Production Update

Loop! is available now on Google Play!

Collect dots, evade enemies, and adapt as the scenery keeps resizing!

I’m incredibly grateful for your reviews, support, and gameplays. I absolutely loved seeing your reactions and feedback, thank you so much!

I'll keep reading your comments and update you in the next days. Thanks for playing, you're awesome!