One main concern I have seen brought up time and time again for dead doors is that the story mode is too short! Well never fear as the story mode will be be much longer than what you have currently… Here’s an overview without spoilers!
First the prologue (which is what the demo is), then there will be about 5 chapters before a final confrontation. There will also be chances to go down alternate paths in story mode. There are going to be about 3 endings, One good ending and two bad ones!
I may update the demo to have a larger part of the story featured, but there is such a large shift in the games story after the prologue and I feel showing any more could ruin the game, but i will let you decide…
If you want you can answer the straw poll below and tell me if you want to see more story or should if be left for the final product. bare in mind that the final game may take a while to come out, but updates will be released to the demo!