The Ultimate Starwalker Guide, (probably):
Starwalker is the most efficient way of leveling up your vessels. Every single time you gain a star during the Starwalker game with your selected vessel. Your vessel will gain one point. So every single time you complete a Starwalker game you will gain 12 points. You vessel always needs 10 points to level up, so a singular Starwalker game will level up your vessel once, and give 2 more points on the way.
Seems inefficient, but trust me. This is way faster than PVPing or killing enemies.
In this minigame, you collect 12 stars in all 6 areas. Each area has a maximum of two stars (so if you want to earn the 250G as well, then there's that tip). If you feel like being actually FASTER than aimlessly walking around. Then here we go.
The ultimate seed for this minigame is 076268052180:

The old seed was 1000701000 which was found by KillEveryoneYouSee, a very experienced DFC player. Without him, this guide wouldn't have existed and I wouldn't have been motivated to find this newer seed.
This guide was updated for the following reasons:
A user known as "bulcuber" found a slightly more optimal seed than this guide about 8 months ago. Most of the changes in everywhere except for Dark World are taken from bulcuber, so send my thanks.
RickyG added 2 new rooms to Card Castle and modified Dark World's star presets as a whole. I will list the new seeds on Dark world in a different post.
Here are all the required warp points for this seed:
Ruins - Entrance
Snowdin - Box Road
Waterfall - C. Point
Waterfall - Quiet Hub
Hotland - Laboratory
Hotland - Hotel Lobby
New Home - House
New Home - Corridor
Card Castle - Entry
^^ Please refer to this demonstration before/after reading any of the sections below. Updated 13/07/2023
Ruins: Warp to Ruins - Entrance. Go downwards and collect both stars on their respective sides.

Snowdin: Warp to Snowdin - Box Road. Go straight right and collect both stars that you see on the way.

Warp to Waterfall - C. Point and go left.

And then, warp to Waterfall - Quiet Lobby and go left.

Hotland: Warp to Laboratory, go up and pick up the star next to the elevator.

Now you need to warp to Hotel Lobby, go down and then take Sans' shortcut route.
New Home:

Warp to House. Get the star at the top left corner. And now, simply Warp to Corridor, move right and pick up that star.
This next seed has been modified thanks to the update.
Dark World: Warp to Card Castle - Entry. Go to the room above and then go left.

Now, because of the preset modification I couldn't find a perfect star to accommodate the first one. So, all you have to do is go back to Starwalker and collect the star on the way at Forest - Bake Sale.

So that's it. You've officially leveled up your vessel, once. Now re-do that process various times until you level up each vessel to max. Sounds annoying? Because it is. Good luck and have FUN!!
Seed last changed on: 13/07/2023
Version: 2.7.6c