Hey everyone, today I wanted to inform you guys about something extra for the game!
This post was originally going to be called "The canceled Five Nights at Coso's PLUS: Deluxe Edition DLC" but after thinking about it, it's not really canceled, it's just an idea.
So I know what some of you might be thinking, how could a DLC for this game work? What could you add? Well, we could add more Custom Night exclusive challenges or characters, we could do a lore update (similar to what Iron Lung did) we could do something. But, I had a different idea.
You see, the reception this game got had me thinking. Now an overwhelming amount of you really liked the game, and I'm happy you did! But it got me thinking about if a lot of people DIDN'T like the game, what would be their reasoning? I know it's a weird thing to think about, but it helps cover all grounds in the future.
Some reasonings I came up with were the game doesn't follow the lore of the Coso's series. The cast for the game isn't good or iconic enough. There isn't an extras menu. No all-max mode ending and overall, no story to tell.
And a big theme of that is the story or lack thereof. Yeah, there's a story in the game, but it's not no top-notch Scott Cawthon pages on pages Steven King novel. It's a very one-sided, kind of predictable ending and really has no depth or anything, but a big reason for this is because the main game is all gameplay with the most iconic characters from the series, the story is there to spice it up a little bit, to catch the audience's attention, it's the "hook" of the game in my opinion.
I'm a big gameplay over story kind of guy when it comes to FNaF games, and I think it shines here, but, I could also be indulged into the game's story as well if it's good enough by my standards. My standards just being "don't copy most of Scott Cawthon's stories he tells within the game, get original" (which sounds easier to find on paper) but story lovers who liked Coso's may be dissatisfied with this game and the story it tells, which I would like to propose to you all my first plan of action for whenever or if ever this game gets a DLC.
Classic Mode
For those who loved the original story, here's my first idea. Another complete reimaging of the first Five Nights at Coso's game but it stays even more faithful to original story, (only slightly altered to spice up the story.) mechanics, and overall feel.
This is how the process would go.
It's going to be an absolute classic. Generic title screen, 5 nights, an additional 6th night, a custom night, and of course Cosoul's "boss fight"
Each night will have a phone call from James, (he talks about shit no one cares about.) time will pause in game during this time. Whenever the call is done, an animatronic who attacks on that specific night will attack the player very fast to let them get a feel for how to deal with them and then will go back to a slower more moderate speed, then the timer will begin.
When this timer starts, you only have to survive for 3 minutes each night, half of what other fangames do, because let's be honest, no one wants to sit there and do multiple playthroughs trying to survive for 6 minutes each time, that shit sucks.
Every time you beat a night, a cutscene plays which shows James activating another animatronic who will attack you on the next night and give some cheesy ahh line about "upping the ante" or something like that.
Eventually, once you beat night 5, a cutscene will play of James letting loose one of his machines, only bigger, stronger, and more intelligent, who you will eventually meet on Night 6 as a boss fight.
(real ones know who attacks you on Night 6 in the VERY first game, and he makes a return here)
If you beat night 6, you get a custom night and extras menu. Very box standard.
I have a planned map and overall feel I want to accomplish with this game as well, here is a concept of the map I will use in the DLC:

As you can see, the map is SUPER simplistic, but this one was done on purpose. The map is HEAVILY inspired by what Mechlus wanted to do with his (now canceled) Project Readjusted: Remake, where he cut down the map to only 2/3 or 1/3 of what the original map looked like in size, and that's exactly what I did with the DLC map too. This is also the case with the camera system. There are only 5 cameras. One in the backstage, dining room, intersection, work hall, and kitchen. Because in an actual pizzeria, there really aren't too many cameras in it, so why have a lot here?
The typical cast will appear in these cameras, and they each go where they did from the first game. Coso to the right, Cosa and Meow in the vents, ProtoCoso to the right with a chance to go middle, and Old Coso going to the middle. They would walk around the establishment until they reach your office. When they reach your office, use your defenses and they go away. Speaking of which, what are the defenses at your disposal?
But we can't talk about how to deal with them without talking about the actual office itself:

The office has three entrances. The air duct to the left, the employee-only door in front of the player, and the security door to the right. Your defenses will be used here.
The Security Door:
The absolute hood classic, the security door. This blocks out Coso and ProtoCoso. You press the button, the door flies down, and it protects you against threats. Be careful though, as it does waste power.
The Laser Pointer:
A weird addition that I felt might be perfect for the scenario, since having a laser grid for the vent would be blatant copying, which goes by the rules of making a Coso fangame. Four threats can be dealt with when using the laser pointer, that being Cosa, Meow, ProtoCoso, and Old Coso. Cosa and Meow come from the vent to the left, and when you see their eyes, you need to shine the pointer on their most sensitive parts, that being the eyes and Meow's antenna light. Additionally, when ProtoCoso is behind the center door, you need to run up to it and shine the pointer in his eyes to send him over to your right door.
Old Coso is the only character that I have trouble deciding on how he's going to work. I like the idea where you have to use the laser pointer on him, but I think he should be dealt with in the cameras, considering they don't have a real use.
And that's the basic synopsis when it comes to the mechanics.
But, who the fuck cares about this shit, we need to talk about the real outcome of making a classic mode.
Cosoul Boss Fight Return
Yes, the Cosoul boss fight WOULD return for this game, although, not in the way you think. The bossfight will be completely different, the only reason it's in a classic mode is that there was one in the original, why not have one here too?
But what exactly would be different and why change it? Well, to be honest, I find the original Cosoul bossfight underwhelming, let's add some spice to it! For one, more threats to deal with. A big thing I never understood about the original bossfight was the fact that only one enemy attacked you. Now, this makes sense, it's a story-based night with one of the souls of the kids, but why not add Cosaul too? For one, it's confirmed that Cosaul is in the first game, she just never attacks you and you can never see her, plus, since she is angry that her father never took action to help them, she is clearly angry and wants revenge, does it not sound like it would it work for the fight? Cosoul is a friendly soul while the other isn't (even though Cosoul still tries to kill you soooo)
There are lots of cool ideas for the bossfight that I can't spoil, but if I ever turn this into a real thing, I promise it'll be worth it :)
Alright, we're done with the plans to Classic Mode, what would change in the regular game?
Well, here's a list of things I'll add.
A toolbar in the menu that shows,
Proper settings
Extras Menu (unlocked after beating night 5)
Update screen showing the current version of the game and me and Mida's Game Jolt link (since I know how to do that now)
Button taking the player to the DLC (unlocked after beating night 5)
Randomize A.I. button when on the "Custom" challenge.
Endless Mode when on the "Custom" challenge
General bug fixes
That's about it for the article, once again, I'd like to preface this is not in development currently and may never be, this is an idea I wanted to share publicly to hear feedback and express my thoughts and ideas thoroughly.