Five Nights with Froggy: Sister's Garden

2 months ago

The year 2025 has arrived — The results of 2024

Erik is in touch, currently the only developer of the game.

The new year 2025 has arrived. From the end of 2023 until April 2024, the game was in active daily development on my own. However, due to some circumstances that did not happen by my will, I lost the opportunity to continue it for a while. Nevertheless, very little happened during this period, and I am ready to tell you about it.

April fools second teaser trailer and an updated sneak peak

Even at the beginning of the game's development, I released a sneak peak, and, to be honest, I don't remember at all why I did it. Access to the video was limited and, due to a complete rethink and development from scratch, I made a new sneak peak that will match the actual vision of the upcoming game. Before that, a funny video was released, called the "Second Teaser Trailer", at the end of which there was some hint of the exit of the peak. The Sneak peak was created based on the section of the game that was in development at that time (the development of this section took about two weeks), and I decided to make it in the form of a narrative of the events that occurred before the events of the main action of the game.

You can view the snick peak at this link

A temporary pause in game development

There were very difficult circumstances, which I will keep silent about. I can only say that I could not have foreseen them, they did not depend on me, and I did not want this. Thus, I lost access to my work files and computer, respectively. After a few months, I was able to get back to it, but it took me a while to get used to this environment again. It was originally planned that by the end of 2024, I would be able to finish compiling the structure of the game and begin the final part of the development in 2025, bringing it to a full-fledged release. Which, unfortunately, did not happen.

The release of the first trailer of the game

Back in 2021, a game trailer template was created to fill it with gameplay elements and release it. And after recovering, I decided to make a new trailer by the end of the year, using only a few elements from the unfinished template. The second trailer will be released as soon as the game is fully ready for release.

You can watch the trailer at this link

Further development

Now the development of the game will continue again, and the release date remains unknown. At the moment, one of the most difficult stages of the game is under development, both in terms of gameplay and development.

Some details about the development that can be announced

It would be fair to announce what exactly is included in those 50% of the development progress. These are both structural elements and active, but not perfect, gameplay parts.

Game structure readiness:

  • The prologue - completely

  • The cutscene before the night - completely

  • Night 1 - completely (2 stages)

  • Nightmare 1 - completely

  • The event after night 1 - completely

  • Cutscene before the night 1 - completely

  • Night 2 - completely (8 stages)

  • Nightmare 2 - completely (3 stages)

  • The event after night 2 - completely

  • Cutscene before the night 2 - completely

  • Night 3 - completely (21 stages)

  • Nightmare 3 - completely (5 stages)

  • Event after night 3 - 80%

The most important detail is that, unlike FNaF: Sister Location, on the basis of which the development of this game began, the game will have saves before each new stage, and not in a specific part of the game. This is due to the large volume and complexity of the game stages. Thus, even after exiting the game, you will be able to continue the passage from the point where you left off, or by choosing another stage of the game.

In conclusion, I will only say that the development will continue, even if there are problems that can affect its speed. For my part, I will do everything to release a high-quality and playable product.

That's all. Have a successful and productive year!



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The Man In The Mask Tribute - Self Control - The Strangers 🪓

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"Five Nights with Froggy: Sister's Garden" — Teaser Trailer 2

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