My fellow Kyosians,
I'm happy to say that, while we're still working on Thea's route, we prepared a demo that can be accessed directly from chapter select screen (provided you have unlocked Thea's route in the first place). It's basically a complete version of the first part of Thea's route (even the collectibles are included), the only thing that's missing is the voice over! So if you'd like to see how the development is going, as well as to find out more about the story, do check the demo out.

Another update I wanted to release before the end of the year was Richie's route path A, but we're a bit behind on that. Just a bit, though! The work on it has been going well, and we'll try to release it next month (or at least, not much later after that).

So yes, I hope to be back with another update shortly! In the meantime, an important note about an event from the ending of Mentor's route:
At the moment, should you select Thea's route on chapter select screen, you'll see that there's an event for Mentor updating the autopilot. This event needs to be re-initialized, i.e. by default it will always be shown as "off" (something that didn't happen), even if Mentor did update the autopilot! It doesn't matter now, but it will affect Thea's route ending dramatically, so if you'd like it to be "on", you will need to re-acquire it. Sorry about that, I should have foreseen this and planned ahead, but... it is what it is! Hopefully with some kittens sacrificed, it won't be too much trouble.
And that's that! We hope you all have a great ending to this year, and that you and your loved ones will stay safe and healthy next year (and for many more years to come)!

Nick & u7committee