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Loka Zonzini's House.
Yes, it was a night, up to #TheLegendOfPointD.
Color Hood, the #WarThunderNaval, the #WarThunderPlane, the #WarThunderTank, the Director.
I Finally Finished Pochita's SV Battler Sprite, that took a few days, maybe even less time than that.
#HappySpawnday for me, i guess.
At least Zetta knows she thought she could stop by and bring the main character coffee.
Very Seriously Good.
Starting to seek for Nominees for a new Game Awards for 2025, votes beginning in either november or december.
Nominees include: Azur Promilia by Manjuu, World of Ortdimoon: The RPG Game by ArsolidGames and Shonen Jump Extra: Earl of Beats by Me.
It's 6:00 AM? No way (Well, in the game, it's 6:00 AM).
I guess this #FanArtFriday was a bit too easy to do.
Since i didn't use the "Pixel Art" realm recently, i'll do for this post.
This Book is not going to bite her, i sure it will not.
Here is a good quality game, it's called "Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar".
It is developed by Cleveland Mark Blakemore and published by Golden Era Games.