2 months ago

There's no real point in using this account anymore

Yeah so, I don't really want to use this account anymore for multiple reasons. One; I don't really post anymore, nor do I feel like posting renders all the time. Second; I want to only post on a dev team account. Which is why @LabratGames exists. Velvet is the main owner, while I am the Co-Owner. Me and Velvet will both use the account to ONLY post stuff about projects and development. Because this account was made, I don't see any point in using this account anymore. I made this account for one cancelled project and just kept using it because I felt bad just leaving again like I did years ago. But this time I won't be entirely gone because of the LabratGames account. For now, on I will only post renders on my deviantart, which you can find on my strawpage if you click on the paint bucket icon. For now on, Me and Velvet will be on @LabratGames . I also used this account way too much to rant or vent, when this was a dev account.

But yeah check out @LabratGames because I will be on there now!

By the way, we are also looking for a clickteam coder for a super secret thingie, a skilled one too.

Anyway cya poopyheads



Next up

Writing the lore is EZ

Chasing Pillars again

Models by Darkartworks and the EXE model idk who made it. It was just given to me.

Tinky Winky

sorry for the delay! the second Abandoned Enigma STICKER PACK is now available. give me 20 dollars

Was it good?

News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?

It's all good

Have I stepped up my game???

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


Wanted to render EXE/Faker from Pillar Chase. I love this game even if it has Sonic.exe (A creepypasta I genuinely despise lol)