When we last left off, i mentioned that I still had to make a third enemy for the first Maze, and now he’s complete! Say hello to the Bloodbomb! This little orb will daintily float towards you - but one step too close and it inflates itself with its own acidic blood until it bursts, killing itself and showering you in burning death!

Also added some sounds that play when you pick up powerups, and sprinkled a few more enemies about the place.
Currently left on the agenda before finishing the first maze, The Dungeon of Bodies and Blood:
Some sounds! Everything is mostly just graphics, behaviors, and animation, and that’s just dull on its own. Some audio would sure liven things up a bit…
The boss itself! Now where would a maze be without a guardian to prevent you from escaping?
Add some more powerups! We’re talking general health boosts (though max health bonuses are already in the game), temporary invincibility, and even double damage!
Get a map system working. The beginnings are in place, but it’s still a fair way away from being ready. What is ready though, is in a screenshot below.
The reapers…
Until next time!
-Ethan Garen, Top Bunk Studios