One Week at Baby Aphmau's Demo (CANCELLED BUILD)
1 year ago

This game has been CANCELLED, Not been deleted.

Read the article description.

This my game is... CANCELLED! I can't add this night 3 or more because is so hard making like this!!

Also, because i am so making very hard with characters all this time!

Then, more error is sucks... I can't see who fixing the bug error when sometime...

And My First Community is cancelled too. This Full version is not finished but cancelled.

We move the second the my fnaf fangame. Stay turn it!!

Thanks for support my first fnaf fangame!



Next up

Parser is back for error! And, GameJolt API Is coming! Login it now! And complete and archive these trophies!!

New Game: One Weeks at Baby Aphmau's Challenges Collection, Coming soon!

Coming Soon...

Gulnara Face Hearing Noises for Version 2.0 on decompiled. (Style like BBCR)

1: Hearing

2: Can't hearing it

3: It Hear something sound

Calling all #MadeWithFusion devs! We want to make a trailer reel featuring you!

-- NEW UPDATE V0.25! -- Check this Article some update!

@marcelthecoolmodder199 ! This He*t is racist man!! She my daughter user, and want playing some random games. Don't call my daughter for gacha he*t! What the actually is wrong with you? You are made a mistake. Now, Could you please stop like this? A good old friend composed this slightly salted boss battle theme for me, what do you think? :)

Happy Pride Month 2024, Everyone!! (Ft. @BabyAphmauYT )

I am the Bisexual flag for I am Female and my baby daughter! I hope you guys like it!! >w<