Fellow Knight
5 years ago

This is the final version of the game design document for Fellow Knight!

I wish I could just add a document BUT! Here's the entire thing for you enjoyment if you like this kind of stuff!

Fellow Knight

Entry for WGJ #150


The theme is "You're the enemy" and someone's already doing the play as a the platformer bad guy. And I can't find my stylus to do art for the other idea. I have this concept that I thought of a while ago while playing Monster Hunter; what if players are the bad guys in RPGs? We kill mobs mindlessly just to get some loot or reward in general. So this is the concept brief I wrote up: Most RPGS such as Monster Hunter have you hunting down creatures the more "civilized" races call monsters. But, what if the player is the real monster? A creature that prides themselves on their ability to slay other living beings without remorse simply for reward. Isn't that just a contract killer? So for Fellow Knight it'll play like an action side-scroller but when you encounter "monsters" a VN styled dialogue box will pop up saying something in a strange language; these are pleas for mercy. The player's character will simply reply with something like "Just die!". As the game progresses the player will gain more nightmarish features on their sprite and given faster movement and higher damage. Once the player receives the 2nd upgrade they'll be able to understand "monster" language and will be able choose to spare them. If they choose to spare every monster in the game and return to the kingdom; they'll receive the True Hero Ending. If they choose to kill every monster in the game and return to the kingdom they'll receive the Monster Hero Ending. If they choose to not commit to either ending they'll receive the No Hero Ending.


Player Abilities

Basic horizontal running
Single and Double Jump

Sword swing to kill enemies


Divine Tongue: Allows you to speak to all lifeforms

Soul Blade: Bind your blade and soul to increase your strength

Air Rift Boots: Allows you to double jump

Dragon Armor: Take less damage

Level Design

Level 1 - Peaceful Plains [Daytime]

This is a mostly peaceful level without much in it besides learning the basic controls of the game.

Level 2 - Mount Visara [Daytime]

This level pushes the platforming a bit more with extra danger.

Jump up cliff steps

A little straight away with a monster

Platform jumps with death falls

A little straight away with 2 monsters

Jump up platforms with death falls

End with a straight away with another monster

Level 3 - Willow Forest [Evening]

This level ups the danger level with some platforming.

The level will open with some straight away

Then it leads into a quick water platform section

After it gives the player a little break with a small straight away

Then it opens into a cave cliff where the player will have to use their wall slide jump to get into the cave without falling into the water

Inside the cave they’ll be able to fight a couple monsters without any stage hazard

Then they’ll have to do some more water platforming before jumping out of the cave onto some solid ground

Level 4 - Peaceful Plains [Night]

This is a comedown level with a little bit of action.

Level 5 - Kingdom Report [Night]

This level is all about story.


Knight SFX

Jump Sound

Attack Sound

Hurt Sound

Death Sound

Knight Negotiation Lines

I don’t care what you’re saying; JUST DIE!

You won’t curse me monster!

Silence! My blade is the only language we need.
You dare SPEAK to ME?! DIE BEAST!!!
Your breath is toxin to my divine being! NOW I SHALL CLEANSE YOU!

I see...I’m sorry about my hasty judgements; you should flee while you can.
I’m sorry about your losses...I won’t slay you; you’re free to go.

I didn’t know about your kind’s awareness...I am rather ashamed..

A civil creature shouldn’t be harmed; you’re free to go.

Please forgive my people’s ignorance.

Intro Cutscene

King: Dear Knight! There has been reports in our kingdom of monsters! They’ve destroyed farms! Slaughtered cattle! The people of this realm are at an unease with these unwanted guests. If you can travel across our kingdom and slay these pests; I shall reward you handsomely.

Knight: Consider it done; my king.

Level 1 - Peaceful Plains [Daytime]

[Start of the level]

Knight: Hm, the Peaceful Plains seem peaceful still… If these new reports are to be believed I’m sure unholy monsters a lurking in the cracks of this beautiful land.

[When finding a slime]

Knight: There you are monster! Prepare to be destroyed!

[End of level]
Knight: I I’ve gained more power from slaying those monsters! This must be my reward from the goddesses themselves!

Cutscene Intermission 1

Knight: My quest has taken me to the mountain Visara where there has been many sightings of monsters. If our citizens are unable to mine lava rocks we won’t be able to heat our water or cook our food! This would throw us back into the ages before we had the Sun’s Flower. I must cleanse the area of monsters!

Level 2 - Mount Visara [Daytime]

[Start of level]

Knight: This mountain pass will be dangerous. Not only because of the monsters but because of nature itself. I should take extra care to watch my step.

Knight: I should use my sword wall slide to make it up these cliffs. My sword feels stronger now.

[End of level]

Knight: More power once again! I should choose wisely since I only get one blessing.

Cutscene Intermission 2

Knight: After surviving the Mount Visara pass the Willow Forest is the next area where monsters have been heavily reported. So that’s where I must travel to next. I question this quest and my actions sometimes. But in the end I need to remember that the goddesses have written my story; I’m simply acting it out.

Level 3 - Willow Forest [Evening]

[Start of level]
Knight: In this forest the poison water is probably more dangerous than the monsters.

Cutscene Intermission 3

Knight: I’m more and more troubled after leaving the Willow Forest. I wonder if what I’m doing is right? Am I the monster? Are these creatures truly evil? All I can do is stare at my blade and try to find signs from the goddesses. Maybe then my soul will be at ease.

Level 4 - Peaceful Plains [Night]

[Start of level]
Knight: One last sweep through the Peaceful Plains on my way back to the kingdom should be enough. Hopefully nothing vile happens to the people of this kingdom.

[End of level]
Knight: I don’t feel any new power….did I upset the goddesses? Have I acted incorrectly? I only hope I can redeem myself on the way back to the kingdom.

Cutscene Intermission 4

Knight: With my quest completed all that’s left is this short stretch back to the castle. Then I can report to my king. I should use this time to reflect on my quest and who I’ve become.

Level 5 - Kingdom Report [Night]

[Level start]
Knight: I must return to the kingdom and report all I’ve seen and done. For better or worse, my quest has been completed.

Knight: Who have I become? What have I become? Am I truly me still?

Knight: Was this truly a part of the goddesses plans? Or have I followed the wrong path?

Knight: Is my blade stained with the blood of the damned? Or the blood of the divine?

Knight: No matter what comes next, my previous actions are written in the book of my life. All I can do is react to whatever may come.

End Outro Monster Hero

King: So my knight, what is your report of the monster reports?

Knight: I’ve slain none and found new power hidden in my soul.

King: What are you saying?! Can you tell me more about this hidden power?! It may prove useful to our future endeavours.

Knight: It’s the power of the goddesses! With pure action they evolve you into a stronger being. Which is why I refused to kill any more innocent creations! This kingdom, your reign; YOUR FORTUNE! ALL OF IT! It’s founded on innocent bloodshed of creatures that live on this planet the same as us! We’ve killed them with bliss for generations! What if I told you they’re aware of us and are civilized?! What if I told you that we’re the monsters?!

King: What do you mean?! This is nonsense! If you refuse to complete this quest then you’ll be thrown into the dungeons!

Knight: Do you think you can stop me? You’re just a fragile king with a crown of blood!


Knight: My fellow knights! Do not give into this tyrant! THIS FOOL! We can reconcile with the beat nations and bring a new level of peace to our world that nobody has ever seen! We can bring a tide of change that’ll make our planet more pure! Should we listen to this tyrant and defile our goddesses wishes?! Or, will we tear down his being and build a new world where everyone can live in peace!?

King: Don’t listen to this fool you are MY knights! And my knights alone.

Knight: No. They are not your knights. They are the goddesses knights!

Knights Chant: CLEANSE THE CROWN! CLEANS THE CROWN! [I’ll take this one line and just make multiple of it with pitch shifts to make it sound like a bunch of knights]

Knight: You’re the enemy of this world. You’ve corrupted us into becoming the enemies of the goddesses. We’ll no longer take part in your vile game of chess!

End Outro No Hero

King: So my knight, what is your report of the monster reports?

Knight: I’ve killed enough monsters my king; they should leave us be.

King: Why didn’t you kill them all like you were instructed!?

Knight: I found a new power within them; the power of wickedness. When I killed them I felt their souls gather in me; making me more powerful! But every kill I got made me feel more evil; more filthy. Every swing of my sword felt like an unholy act. So I couldn’t go on killing them all; but just enough for us to win.

King: Guards! Take this fool away! I don’t want to see you in my kingdom ever again! LEAVE!

Knight: We have become the enemies of this world; but it’s too late to redeem ourselves. I suppose it’d be best for us all to forget and live on like we always have...Which means I have to be forgotten as well…

End Outro Kingdom Hero

King: So my knight, what is your report of the monster reports?

Knight: I killed them all my lord! Not a single one of those filthy beasts will ever bother our kingdom again!

King: Excellent my knight! Now for your reward. You may have my daughter as your wife! You may have any treasure you name! You’ll be treated like royalty. And all you need to do is keep serving your king loyally.

Knight: As you wish my king, this is an honor beyond words! I did learn during this quest we’re the villains of this world. We’ve evolved past the goddesses' plans. We’re the true gods of this world! Now we’ll cleanse it of those unworthy! My blade will forever be yours to command.



Next up

We just launched Fellow Knight: New Light's "Collector/Founder" edition that gives you ALPHA access and some digital goodies! You can get it now ON SALE!

Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

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#3dart #lowpoly #npbr #fantasy #hut

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My instagram

Family band complete!



Ibuki Mioda!

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