So i want do a post thats shows the mod's development from start to finish and the mod itself its more expansion for my original characters and i have plans for 2025
The mod's progession & its gameplay
So the mod's progession is a mix of terraria and minecraft's progession and other metroidvania games like hollow knight and for the gameplay uhhhh is a kinda mess i don't know to how gameplay works in this mod i think its terraria's classes and paper mario's rpg system as now
How i excepted this mod to be completed in 2031
Yes this is not a joke its a ACTUAL thing for this mod and its going have a storyline/chapter book system it has 8 chapters and i think each chapter would take longer each year and probably more its like calamity mod taking more long each year
Any plans for 2025?
I don't know because i have do things in real life like school and metiral arts everything that going be stressful
Its been a fun and tired year for me so Happy new years