If you seen the My Little Pony Movie (2017) then you know what scene this is from. Im still saying anyways, when Tempest Shadow (Emily Blunt) is singing Open Up Your Eyes, this scene comes up to show her past and why she is the way she is. Just was listening to the song and thought why not remake some bit of the movie. This is unfinished I just wanted to take a break and work on something else, but if you want me to finish it. just comment! (also if you want, you can laugh at it, cause I know it didn't come out as I wanted it too, and so looks like she is morphing or something)
Copied and pasted again cause dont feel like retyping, pixilart.com, heres link to it https://www.pixilart.com/art/mlp-the-movie-scene-rmke-289721061232de1