
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Here's my second my little pony oc, he's name is Scotcy Art, hes Irish/Scottish, he's a unicorn and he works for manehattan theatre background. #Oc #digitalart #Art #mlp #mylittlepony #Originalcharacter

Meet Thalassa!

She’s an ocean draconequus that I made for a contest a few days ago. Sadly with all the blending I wasn’t able to post it before the due date, but I’m still happy with the results.
✏️: Procreate

⏰: Newest (May 31, 2024)

#art #MLP


here is my PonyTown Tattletail Pony Dancing in the Event-Server UwU
what do you thing? isn't he cute

so far my fav Pony to walk around as, even so without wings you can't fly TwT

So I might have gotten sucked into the whole MLP Infection thing and wanted to try my hand and drawing some of the MLP characters, as well as some redesigns. First up is Applebloom, read the article for more info!

✏️ : Procreate

#MLP #DigitalArt