Unrelated: Don't Forget

3 months ago

This week Sans writes Unrelated: Don't Forget's devlog!

heya. it's me, sans the skeleton. looks like this week it's my job to tell ya all about what's been goin on with us, huh? well here i go, i guess.

the text system's been goin through a lotta work. here, take a look.


heh, the outline is bones. that's kinda cool, actually.

there's been a buncha new character pics, too. y'know, the little faces in the left corner? those.


that's me. here, look, there's one of the doc, too.


he's a cool guy. you'll like him, i think.

two new songs got uploaded, too. well, more like one and a half? but it's my baby brother's theme, so it's pretty cute.

there's also been some good work done on the script for the game. a certain friend of mine you haven't met is getting more than a little fleshed out, and the script for the demo will probably be done in four to six weeks. that is, if that ghost can keep their motivation up.

so, uh, looks like that's everything? yeah? yeah. well, see you around, i guess.



Next up

Alice's check menu :3

Fixing a menu bug a playtester found and thought this screenshot was cool.


(Game is out now, guys!!)

(Best with sound)

Changed the textbox bone sprites, now they fit the screen a little better. Still need to make unique ones for Chapter Zero, though.

UNRELATED: DON'T FORGET fanart contest winner!!! Special thanks to @Yasmy for this art!

Unrelated Devlog!

Yay 100 followers!

But UNRELATED only has 88...

to those of you who follow me but not UNRELATED, why? UNRELATED is pretty much all I post about.

And while we're here - to everyone, how did you find out about me/my game?



Guys @Ffatalityy is doing art commisions!! For those of you who follow UNꓤELATED (which is probably all of you reading this lol) she made all of the art, things like the pic above. Y'all should go check it out!!…

Development has returned it's focus on Chapter One! Thanks to everyone who played Chapter Zero, and has been following this whole time! Chapter One will hopefully be out... drumroll... 2025!

Save system is 100% complete! Now all that's left before release is some last-minute debugging and touch up. It's almost time...