6 years ago

Those of you can't open the pause menu >
PRESS 'P' in game to open the menu or pause the game.
Details about the inventory and the score can be found there along with a realtime graphics control system.



Next up

Here's a little clip from the game cinematics ! Coming soon !! Btw, Note : The default graphics setting of the game is 'low' (to support low end PCs) so, you have to change it to high, if you want more realistic gaming experience !!

Welcome to the devlog. The game is few steps away from being completed, the game will be available for free after it's release. I'll keep you guys updated on the progress. Feel free to comment any features that you want me to add !

Update 1.2.0

What's New:

• Support for Nvidia DLSS, AMD FSR, and Ray tracing. • Windowed mode with independent resolution control. • The drone now automatically descends during warm-up.

ASPCT v3.0 Update is now out !

It got some major gameplay, UI & UX changes along with improved pacing and difficulty level of the game • based on user feedback !

A little glimps of what I have been working on for so long !! INTERCEPT | CHP I - DESTINY is coming out next week (hopefully) Be sure to ckeck the devlog for more details !! #Stay_tuned

Update 1.1.0

What's New:

• Added new desert map. • Press "H" (spawns a human AI character at the current location) • Press "R" after descending the drone down to ground level (returns to the starting location automatically)

The development is almost complete ! Few sound design and scripting is left ! Coming out next week !! #Stay_Tuned #Intercept #Destiny Any crazy feature you want me to add to the game ? Let me know in the comments !! ✌️

Before you get started, there's some basic things you must do to set this up. Here's a step by step guide on what to do ! If you want to know how I made this, then check out the video log here :

Flight Matrix includes dual camera support for RGB and depth imaging, independent camera control, customizable output settings, and various graphics presets. It offers real-time sensor data and collision detection, & unlimited configuration save slots.

The ability to be in control of a football game, where you control the orientation of the field with a ADXL345 and an Arduino. Pair it with some gloves and you have a VR like experience on a budget !

How I made it :