Well, after realising 50% of the bugs in my code were Not actualy my bugs but rather my IDE’s bugs (an IDE is what you can use to code with), i tried downloading another. except, it needs about 5 or so dependancies, one of them being over 3gb itself. and only that one had an automatic installer.
every other dependency requires you to run a PY file (Python script) to intall it. and you know how it tells you you have done soemthing wrong? it Prints an error message to the console. and not the english kind. the kind that only someone who would not make a mistake in the first place would understand.
well that one was out. so was another just like it with 10 something dependancies. anything that looked ok would mean i had to purchase it.
This is not the first time i have come across this problem. So i have finaly decided to switch languages. Then i had the question, C++ or Java?
I had some minor C++ experience and apprently it was the language for most if not all AAA games. not that im making AAA games but you get the point.
however, after doing some research i discovered the reasoning for this. C++ was used more when Java was less popular. so any game made as a sequil should be made with C++ if you want to port over code. also applies with using the same engine. And because most comapnies use C++, if one decides they need to buy code from another, its likely C++ code. so their game must be made in C++.
the fact that C++ is probably one of the most complex languages out there had leveled the playing feild for me. I was sitting on a fence, because in my case, either language would work fine (im coming from python, both are an upgrade). however, i started to lean towards java. you may say it’s because minecraft, runescape, and wurm online (to name a few) are made in java. that may be true. but it was mostly because i wanted to get started quickly.
from my experiences with c++ i only got as far as cout, (c - out/print), cin (c - in/input) and if i rember correctly using # to ‘import modules’. oh, and defining variables. that was within a week or so.
With java, the verry first thing they tell you about is classes. i have learnt about loops, methods(functions), variables/feilds, and i’m already creating my first GUI. within 2 weeks. (rember about exams here).
if you can’t tell by now, i have gone with java.
Now, untill i know the language well enougth i cant just make a ‘java port’ for tide. its not that easy. i’m going to have to make a bunch of easier games, like the old arcade ones, or that one on your granny’s nokia.
I’m not scrapping the game. it’s still there. it’s just delayed.
that was the longest news article i have ever written.