Hi all!
We've been watching videos and streams of people playing it it came to our attention that Eldritchvania's save/load wait times increase dramatically as you get deeper into the game and more information is saved.
We didn't like it, you don't like it, so we've done something about it.
We've also fixed the sprint spell slowing you down bellow the normal walk speed after use!
As always thanks so much for playing; it really is an honor to receive your feedback and see you enjoying what we've put together.
Here's the full change log for this update:
Fixed two rooms that had their room names incorrectly swapped.
Fixed game time not increasing if you loaded a save or started a new game after seeing the ending sequence.
Fixed the sanity bar when you start a new game straight from finishing a previous one.
Fixed anti-sprint applying when you collect an item while the sprint spell is active.
Fixed sprint trail ghost showing up within cutscenes
Corrected more spelling errors.
Improved hints for a later puzzle concerning numbers
Updated save/load system to be much faster! No more long wait times as you progress and the save file size grows.