The Nights with Phone Collection

7 months ago

TNWPC Art Progress Update 1

Am late but happy 10 years of Five Nights at Freddy's!! It has been around 8 years since i've been wanting to make my own little fangame series and here i still am! 8 years later and still working on one last big game to finish that ride!

Today i declare that my fake "hiatus" is over and i'll be reposting this progress update image at the end of every month, and as you can see from the big to-do-list in the image, i am doomed!! Progress will be slow but hopefully steady and consistent!

I've marked each task with a color depending on how long I THINK they'll take.

Blue (Not long.) - Less than 2 weeks.

Yellow (Some time.) - Around a month at most.

Red (Oh no.) - More than a month.

Here goes nothing!

1 comment


Next up

Camera 4.

Gameplay is fully programmed!

After programming is dealt with i'll move unto drawing and animating everything for the game which will be it's own separate adventure. I'll start posting updates again later this year, see ya til then!


The Nights with Phone Collection will now be releasing on STEAM!!!!

STILL WORKING ON THE GAME! With me being busy with other stuff for the next 4-6 months(?) im keeping my focus on the game itself and wont prepare anything to be shown to you guys until school's over. Sorry for the wait but its for the best! See you later!

-Fake Hiatus Announcement-

TNWPC Art Progress Update 2

As a bonus to go with the Progress Update. Here's the final version of each background i've already shown! First it shows the Update and then the original!

TNWPC Art Progress Update - September 2024

Description updated + Progress Update

The Nights with Phone Reconnected Office Reveal!

(Old one included for comparison)