Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's (Classic)

3 years ago

To be continued.

Feel free to analyze this image, if you like. There are a lot of things to analyze and I would love to hear what you’re seeing in the image and seeing easter eggs.

Prototype Fredbear & his friends are waiting.



Next up

Looking for some FNaPF unused content? Here's an unused camera in FNaPF :)

This screen contains the animatronics when they REALLY want to kill you. They also appeared in the DLC. (and yes, that eye thing was inspired by FNaW)

Remember my clarification on the urban legend being fake? Well, in case, it is real. Here are words of warning for you to remember.

Urban Legend of Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's..

This story was written by a Tumblr user (Tobyblogger) who witnessed the horrific events in a different copy of the game. He gave me permission to post this here.


Regarding the haunted copy urban legend of Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear’s, please read full article.

Rat Race Production Update

Missing tree branch. Wait... is that blood?!

FNaPF but as SCPS! (Prototype Fredbear, Lolbit & Bonnet, Springbonnie, Springfreddy, and Shadow Fredbear)

(suggest me what to do with the numbers. I can't think of any good ones so I choose “XXXX”)


The aftermath of the fire of Joseph’s World INC…

Play (and record) the second game to figure out what caused this, be sure to follow the third game as well. 👀