A Terrible Night with Mr. Glasgow
2 years ago

To think that this game was once 700 assets and I decided to optimize it because "700 ASSETS!? THATS TOO MUCH!"
Now I'm looking at G2 which is 4000+ assets. It's amazing where apathy can get you lmao.



Next up

Glasgow's 1 Definitive Edition

@Dungeonation toot tge poot 2 coming soon????

this guy is so epic this is my old shock trooper model, but all fixed and cleaned up to be one mesh also new Shock Roach model too

Two Horrible Nights with Mr. Glasgow has a page now!

guys this game is getting an epically awesome crossovr with one night and flumpters 2 isn t this so awesjme

can confirm

In a world where glansmart is not, you will figure out.

This video was sponsored by me.

omg its my spawn dayyy!!!1!!1!

i am now however old i am on this forsaken platform.

anyways enjoy this NEW pit drone model i made as a consolation for no activity lately, as ive been taking it a bit easy recently.

Well everyone, it finally happened. Glasgow's 1 is now Game Jolt exclusive. Took two fuckin years, god damn scratch moderation sucks ass. Well, it was fun while it lasted. This was my most popular project on scratch.

Glasgows 2 Definitive Edition is out.