Here's the trailer if you prefer the youtube version: (it has captions)
Happy New Years!
We end 2023 with a trailer. Here, we get more of a focus on the story and characters. We've got: Toriel, the Player, Dog, The Knight, Elis and Rosemary.
It's a cast of weirdos -i mean, a varied cast. I wanted some humans, monsters, and whatever else inbetween. The cast, of course, will expand. But I do hope to keep a focus on the main three -which change depending on your route.
The gameplay of the first part of Area 1 will be about an artifact that the museum curator asks us to collect. You'll get to choose how you want that quest to end -do you aid humanity in collecting it? Or is there more to it that makes it important for monsters to keep...?
On your way to finding out, you meet Toriel Staramore. She has yet to grow into the Toriel Dreemurr we know in Undertale -this is a younger and more... brutal Toriel then the one we meet in the Ruins.
But enough about plot. Let's talk Characters!

Elis is the great and powerful Prin. (gender neutral term for prince/cess) They also can't see anything underneath that mask. They serve as our primary antagonist in the first Area: Mt. Mythosa. While a bit of a goof ball and comic relief, the great and powerful Elis also is a worthy opponent not to be underestimated...
Magic type: ICE. Weapon: Bow.
I've talked breifly on Elis before, but I figured it'd be cool to show off some concept art.

The foundation for Elis was that I wanted a character to represent the opposite element to Toriel's fire. So, the obvious thing to do would be to go with water. But I've since changed it to Ice, to help give me room to visually portray the water in a way that's not just water bending. Ice works more for simplicity but as well as their gameplay mechanics. (Which I sadly cannot talk about yet.)

Toriel and Elis are mortal enemies. Toriel has beef with humanity, and Elis has... beef with everyone who isn't themselves. It's a match made in Hell.

Rosemary is- well you see she's-
she's a spoiler character. I can't really say much without giving anything away.
But she's important.
Very. Very. Important.
She's gone through a lot design-wise. She wasn't always skeletal. (text removed for spoilers)

She's a sheep. The Dreemurrs are goats, so I thought it'd be fun to have a sheep character.
She was the toughest to pin down design-wise

I finally settled on this design: one that incorporates some vibrant colors while keeping to her more mysterious, dark character design.
She is heavily inspired by Celtic artwork -if this wasn't a pixel-sprited game, I'd love to give her outright detailed Celtic knot clothing.
I think I've hit a sweet spot in her design and characterization. She's a challenge to balance!
I do look forward to allowing you all to meet her ingame properly someday.