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The list of achievements that have been added to the game
The Skeleton King
Gather Firewood
Tale Of The Stranger
Strange Dreams
Trouble On The Road
The Waterfall
The Road Back
Fire And Death
Lost In The Fog
Card Collector
Thanks again!
More screenshots from my game.
Bug Fix In Skeleton King Level
Noticed a point where the player could not move at the top of the Skeleton King level, so have fixed that now.
The game will now also contain three achievements, as I was implementing them as the bug was found.
Achievements And Card Collection Added To Game
This is the last update for the game as I'm moving on to write Episode One.
If there are any bugs that you find, I will fix them, but content wise this is it.
Thank you.
In-Game Collectable Cards And Achievements Coming Soon
These changes will hopefully be implemented by the weekend but at the latest early next week.
When these are done there will be only bugs fixes for this game as I am moving on to writing Episode One.
Released my first game!
Bandana Dee the Dream Friend
Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^
Another house i made long time ago.