Hey Tal’Dorians!
Today’s update we have a real treat for you! We finally have our first trailer to show off as well as a giveaway to show both our gratitude to our current community and to reach out to those seeing this for the first time; so if you could help us get the word out about our trailer we would be extremely grateful!
DDD Change
Community Creations

This is our very first trailer but we still would love to hear what you think about it! Please leave us a comment here or on YouTube with your thoughts and we will try to respond to everyone’s feedback.

We are currently ramping up for our first playable build while also having our community manager focus on engaging the press so we will be changing our DDD article to every other week; these will most likely take place on Thursday. While we understand that we won’t be sharing with you as often; we will make sure that with the progress gained from doing this that we will have better and larger articles because of it. Thank you for your understanding.

Like noted above we wanted to thank the community for being so awesome in supporting our dream; as of this update we have over 100 members in our steam group and new people are joining our discord every day to talk to us! We would love to see more people learning about our game and it’s only with your help that we can do that.
This giveaway will allow you to potentially win 1 of these 5 games for your Steam Account:
Skyrim (DLC Not Included)
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Devil May Cry 4
If you don’t already have a Steam account they are free and easy to create here: !Steam
The giveaway will run and the winners will be announced on February 9th when we release our next DDD article.
As a note there are multiple ways you can enter and each way counts as an extra entry for you!

We have been pleasantly surprised by the number of users interested in model making on our discord that we had to set up another channel just focusing on fan creations. Here is a look at some of the most recent ones that have been shown to us:
If you’re interested in sharing your designs for weapons, shields, armor and the like please join our !Discord server!