Basic Pascal

3 days ago

Tria - start for a space retro shooter

It is just started a development of a new game. With Basic. It is a space shooter. Just like pseudo three dimensional. I dream always about to make a simple space shooter. Pair of enemies. Simple background.

Simple control. It will be a game exactly this kind.


It is maximum simple space shooter. Maybe a little with storyline, with a form of a text like in a Star Wars. Game has a title – Tria – because of everything here is made with triangles. Main object – it is a triangle.

It is with retro style, resolution is 640 x 200. And two colors, in total. Black and white.

It is writing with programming language QB64. And it will be in a next version of Basic Pascal games.


Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.

With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.

Basic Pascal:






Next up

Air bicycle – time to drink a tea

Three dimensional scene for today based on videogame Fantasy Zone 2 for game console PC Engine. It is a very brightfull shooter game.

Uzhik – little snake is in development and 256 colors! Wow!

Uzhik – new game, which will appear in next update of pack Basic Pascal games. It is a game about a little grass snake. Game is still in development.

Rifles and Trenches

Small game. You have several soldiers and you are in a trenches. Your task is not to pass enemy. So, you will need to survive. There will be several waves of enemies attack.

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Uzhik – picture of level! In a bright garden!

Uzhik – it is continue to be in development. Now I am doing for Uzhik a decoration visual. I draw a levels. So, now it is, already, there is understanding - how it will look.

Let's take another look at the next big update for The Bunny Graveyard! Featuring the one and only, Boxers.

Little mouse is going to sleep

Little mouse is going to put to sleep. He climbs into his little bed in his little house. It is, already, a night. So, it is a time for a little mouse to sleep.

Basic Pascal pack – version 1.4 – two new little games

Version 1.4 Basic Pascal pack suggests 2 new games. They are 1) Rifles and Trenches and 2) Crossfire at the Bridge. Two games are written with programming language QB64.

NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

🎯 4vs4 online shooter game.

✨ Heroes, abilities & block building.

❤️ Wishlist now:

#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev

Little animals are playing!

Pixel art for today based on videogames Tetris Atack for game console Super Nintendo. Funny variation about a Tetris and good and kind little animals.