Fixed SpringTrap not disappearing during a power out.
Fixed a game-breaking bug where Foxy could never kill you. (shoutout to @TyVanBuskirk
for pointing this out as i didnt catch this in the slightest)
Shadow Lockjaw is now stalled by SpringTrap when she is doing her normal attack.
SpringTrap is now stalled by certain characters.
SpringTrap now stalls Puppet for both attacks.
Animatronics can no longer be flashed through signal lost.
You don't need to have the flashlight on when viewing Foxy's camera to stall him during his special attack.
Sugar is now stalled when viewing Cam 1A after she enters the vent (only if the cameras are on)
Foxy adds 30 frames to his kill timer whenever you flash him during his normal attack.
Weakened Flashlight has been nerfed.
SpringTrap's special attack kill timer has been nerfed.
Fixed an issue where characters could still be unlocked after resetting your save file and/or starting a new game without beating night 5.
Next up
Only one remains to be put into the creation...
Who do you think it is...
some progress ive made during my work with this as of rn
the characters in monochrome are the ones not programmed (all of the secret characters being color isnt gonna be whats there in the final game, just screenshot thing)
you can customize the key you use for the flashlight
js a misc qol thing i added cus why not
NOTE: You can't use Escape as a key, & you won't be able to leave the Options menu until you select a key. (you can still Alt + F4 tho, it js wont save)
beta testing stage has advanced to v0.3. only 5 more characters and then this game will be out after some more beta testing.
(new characters programmed for this build are nightmare bonnie and chica)
next plan for ais is wfoxy and then nfreddy
Rat Race Production Update
bro REALLY wanted to return to freddy's
for context lockjaw has a 1/10 chance to spawn and will stay for the entire night until you leave the gameplay frame, whether its returning to the menu or clicking retry after dying
how did bro get here
Only 3 are remaining to program... This game will be out soon.
oh yeah btw i decided to overhaul the games mfa cus im not happy with its current state so bon-bons code is gone (itll be back sooner or later tho)