The Return To Freddy's Reignited

1 year ago

TRTF Reignited Devlog


You might be wondering about the progress of TRTF. The game is still moving forward and is on the right track. I made significant progress during this time, and if the progress continues as steadily as it has been, the game should be released soon. We've also already programmed several areas, but I'm still working on the core gameplay and polishing certain details. In the photos, I shared a few images and a screenshot of how the game looks from the inside. It might seem a bit disorganized, so I apologize for that.

Also, something that's missing is replacing certain placeholders, but that will be done later. An essential aspect is the calls because they haven't been recorded yet. We plan to record those at a later stage in the game's development. These have been quite productive days, and I would love to share more, but I prefer to reveal it gradually. I assure you that this game has some unique elements compared to other remakes. It may not be the best, but we hope that when you play it, you'll enjoy the experience.


Puede que te estés preguntando sobre el progreso de TRTF. El juego sigue avanzando y va por el camino correcto. He logrado un progreso significativo durante este tiempo, y si el progreso continúa tan constante como hasta ahora, el juego debería ser lanzado pronto. Ya hemos programado varias áreas, pero todavía estoy trabajando en la mecánica principal del juego y puliendo ciertos detalles. En las fotos, compartí algunas imágenes y una captura de pantalla de cómo se ve el juego desde adentro. Puede parecer un poco desorganizado, por lo que pido disculpas por eso.

Además, algo que falta es reemplazar ciertos marcadores de posición, pero eso se hará más adelante. Un aspecto esencial son las llamadas, ya que aún no han sido grabadas. Planeamos grabarlas en una etapa mas adelantada del desarrollo del juego. Han sido días bastante productivos, y me encantaría compartir más, pero prefiero revelarlo gradualmente. Les aseguro que este juego tiene elementos únicos en comparación con otros remakes. Puede que no sea el mejor, pero esperamos que cuando lo jueguen, disfruten de la experiencia.



Next up

We will be back very soon

Happy 9th anniversary TRTF!

I made this little render to celebrate the anniversary and to show these models

I also wanted to tell you that the page will soon undergo big changes

Who made the model of that freddy?


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

let's talk/Trtf Reignited Devlog

ignore the render of Freddy with Jolly XD

HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TRTF 2! A 2-Night demo is out now, nothing much


Map redesign and other things

You are not alive, but you are not dead either.

Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF 2!!!!

the game is not dead, trailer coming soon