The Return To Freddy's Reignited

1 year ago


Map redesign and other things

ENG: Hello dear community, here Foxo brings you the latest updates and progress that we were able to achieve during the time we were inactive on GameJolt. Despite being very productive these days, we made significant progress, especially in the graphics. The map, in particular, has been enhanced because when I finished it, it felt empty and somewhat unappealing. So, it is still in progress to be completed. Once the map is ready, we will improve the GameJolt page to make it more visually pleasing and updated, as the current renders are quite outdated.

Now, moving on to another topic of interest, game programming has been temporarily paused. I made some tweaks, replaced placeholders, and did other things, but I won't resume programming until the map is ready.

Those are the main updates we had during this time. There was, of course, more progress, but I don't think it's very relevant to mention each one, as they are minor updates. So, for now, Foxo bids farewell. Until next time!

ESP: hola querida comunidad, aquí Foxo les trae las novedades ya avances que pudimos conseguir durante este tiempo que estuvimos inactivos dentro de gamejolt. a pesar de que fuimos muy productivos durante estos días igual conseguimos un avance significativo especialmente en los gráficos, ya que estos fueron mejorados en especial el mapa, ya que cuando lo termine lo sentí vacío y algo feo, así que sigue en proceso para poder ser terminado. cuando el mapa este listo mejoraremos la pagina de gamejolt para hacerla mas agradable a la vista y mas renovada ya que esos renders son bastante antiguos.

ahora pasando a otro tema de interés, la programación del juego fue pausada temporalmente, hice unos retoques y reemplace marcadores de posición y otras cosas, pero hasta que el mapa no este listo no seguiré programando.

esas serian las novedades mas principales que tuvimos durante este tiempo, claramente hubo mas avance pero no creo que sea muy relevante el mencionar cada una, ya que son novedades menores, así que ahora si. Foxo se despide, ¡hasta la próxima!



Next up

Who made the model of that freddy?

the game is not dead, trailer coming soon

TRTF Reignited Devlog


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

TRTF Devlog


Watch this sugar dance

TRTF Reignited Devlog

You are not alive, but you are not dead either.

HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TRTF 2! A 2-Night demo is out now, nothing much

I haven't had much time to work on the game, but here's a little advance (a lot of things will be changed later, this is still in progress)