The Return to Powerpuff Girls: After the Terrors
2 years ago

TRTPPG V1.2: Bug fixes

- Fixed a bug where if you went to the game over screen while one of the mask robots were in the office, the flashing would still show up

- (Hopefully) Nerfed teaming in Nightmare Mode

- Fixed bugs where the mask would still appear

if your power was out, and if a robot jumpscared you

NOTE: If Rusty Bubbles and Buttercup still manage to team in Nightmare Mode just wait until the other one is done attacking and then try to put the mask on again for the other robot to not jumpscare you

Also wait 1 second before putting on the mask for the mask robots because I think if you put it on at their starting value it makes them jumpscare you



Next up


V1.1 coming soon!!!


Thanks for getting the page to 100 views! I did not even expect this. I also have been working on TRTPPG1 all day and its time for me to get a break.

Here are 2 image previews of how the game will look like.

The designs may change in the full release.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Here is the second character concept of TRTPPG1. This time its Rusty Buttercup. Her concept design was kinda rushed due to me running out of time since I started on it last night, I might do a second attempt after I do the others so it can look creepier.

Unnecessary post but peak has just arrived for me in the mail today

Another Small Update

V1.1 releases TOMMOROW!!