
7 years ago

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.9.0 is now available

Dev Log

(This dev log mostly refers to the Steam version of Tunnel Divers)
Hey all, I’m excited to announce this will probably be the last ‘big’ update before release. Once I feel this update is stable, then I will work on updating the trailer and screenshots and get a release date going. What happens after release, I guess we’ll find out.

I’d like to announce that the DLC price is now half the cost. This is because I’ve decided to open the Tunnel Server service to all players for free, because I feel like it doesn’t have the quality I wanted to be a paid service. I’d also like to retain the right to shut down the service at any time if I feel like it’s too costly or plain out doesn’t work well enough for use, so keeping it free is probably better for that while we still have the chance before release.

If you are unhappy with this, that’s understandable. If you wish, please try to get a refund through Steam Support. Show them this post if needed. If Steam doesn’t grant you the refund, then please email me at [email protected] and we can try to work out a partial refund. Please note I am not forced by law to give you any refund, but I’d still like to make things right if needed. If you gifted the DLC to somebody, you’re still welcome to email me. If you don’t give a shit about a refund, then thank you, I really appreciate the support. I will not be supporting this refund offer after release, so keep that in mind.

Anyhow, this update is just tying up some loose ends, the largest things being the intro cutscene and campaign ‘boosts’.

Campaign boosts allow the campaign missions to be a lot easier, at the cost of in-game money. Boosts provide in-game upgrades (such as the afterburner and armor upgrades) and the ability to spawn with the quad damage or invuln power up (which will act as normal power ups and not last the whole mission.) Buying boosts also negates your superior performance review, so keep that in mind. You can retry a mission with a boost as many times as you’d like, but as soon as you quit to the menu, the boosts are lost.

As for the intro cutscene, you can see my terrible writing at it’s finest. If you notice any typos or grammatical errors or if something just sounds plain stupid just let me know. You can skip the cutscene by pressing ESC/Start button, or having the game skip it automatically in the options menu.

I know I said I wanted to add more items/weapons but I can’t really think of anything good without a big player base to spy on. So instead of forcing it, I’d rather just release and see where the game goes before updating it further.

Anyways, thanks for your continued support, we’re almost home free.

  • S


  • Added intro cutscene

  • Added option to automatically skip the intro cutscene

  • Added option to delete your cloud save data

  • Added a Boosts menu to the campaign.

  • The Tunnel Server feature is now free for all players to use

  • Increased the cool down reduction for the Wildcat passive to 2 seconds

  • Removed voting poll window (for now)

  • Fixed an integer overflow issue with player IDs

  • Fixed quad damage power up giving x5 damage instead of x4

  • Fixed the final mission not skipping the intro when you restart it from the pause menu

  • Fixed the mission timer not appearing on performance reviews in certain instances

  • Fixed Alarmers not spawning in the boss room on mission 5

  • Fixed the Spasman’s picks category on the workshop browser not working
    Improved campaign enemy AI becoming alert when taking damage



Next up

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.8.3 is now available

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta14 is now available: New weapons, gamemodes, features

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.8.1 is now available

TUNNEL DIVERS is released

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.8.2 is now available + Gather is coming

A Tunnel Divers gather is now starting!

TUNNEL DIVERS v0.9.2 is now available

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta16 is now available

GIFs from the gather

Boring Man v2.0.0 beta14 will be available July 19th